Brief on COVID-19: Do Czechs Want a Stronger EU or a Convenient Scapegoat ?

In his brief, our Christian Kvorning Lassen outlines the image of the European Union's actions during the COVID-19 outbreak, which are often misinterpreted or forgotten by Member States, with a focus on the Czech Republic.

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Prague Climate Talks 2020 – debates about climate change

We are happy to announce the continuation of the Prague Climate Talks project – a platform for high-level discussion on the complex issue of climate change. The project will again host a series of debates with experts, professionals from varying relevant fields and the general public.

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Radiožurnál: Vladimír Bartovic on negotiations at the Special EU Summit on the shape of the next budget

The first day of the extraordinary European Union summit on the shape of the next budget did not bring any agreement. The leaders of the member states came to Brussels with so different demands that it was not even expected. Negotiation continues and may even continue until this weekend. Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the summit in an interview.

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TA3: V. Bartovic on the European Union Budget Summit

Representatives of the Member States of the European Union meet on Thursday, February 20 at the Brussels Summit. The main topic of the negotiations is the discussions on the shape of the future common budget of the Union for the years 2021 to 2027. According to the information to date, there is no consensus between countries on the amount of money the budget will contain or exactly what the money will be used for. Comments on the summit by our director Vladimír Bartovic.

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EU MONITOR: Brexit, now what? Examining the future of Central and Eastern European security post-Brexit

In her latest EU monitor, Danielle Piatkiewicz explores the future of Central and Eastern European security after Brexit.

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EU MONITOR: Brexit, now what? Examining the future of Central and Eastern European security post-Brexit

Danielle Piatkiewicz se v poslední edici ze série EU monitor věnuje otázce Brexitu a bezpečnosti v regionu střední a východní Evropy.

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REPORT: European Foreign Policy towards Eastern Europe: Future of Eastern Partnership beyond 2020

The expert panel discussion titled “European Foreign Policy towards Eastern Europe: Future of Eastern Partnership beyond 2020” was organised by the Think Visegrad - V4 Think Tank Platform (represented by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy) together with the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union and Association for International Affairs (AMO).

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REPORT: European Foreign Policy towards Eastern Europe: Future of Eastern Partnership beyond 2020

Odbornou panelovou diskuzi s názvem „Evropská zahraniční politika vůči východní Evropě: Budoucnost východního partnerství po roce 2020“ uspořádali Think Visegrad - V4 Think Tank Platform (zastoupená Institutem evropské politiky EUROPEUM) společně se Stálým zastoupením České republiky v Evropské unie a Asociace pro mezinárodní záležitosti (AMO).

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REPORT: Ever closer, never single

On 12 November 2019, Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union together with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and CEBRE - Czech Business Representation to the EU in Brussels organised a high-level lunch debate. The meeting was attended by representatives of European Commission, Member States, MEPs, private sector as well as trade unions and research institutes. The debate focused on assessing the current state of the Single Market based on various survey conducted among businesses earlier this year - and draw recommendations for the new Commission.

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Myths and realities of an East-West divide in EU policymaking: A case study of V4’s approach to the 2019 Spitzenkandidaten selection process

Zuzana Podracká published a policy paper as a part of Think Visegrad platform, in which she focused on the V4’s approach to the 2019 Spitzenkandidaten selection process.

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