Christian Kvorning Lassen ve svém briefu píše o krocích Evropské unie během pandemie COVID-19, které jsou členskými státy často dezinterpretovány nebo opomíjeny. Zejména se pak zaměřuje na Českou republiku.
When China or Russia provide aid, appreciated as it rightfully should be, there is a failure to mention that this help is not borne out of altruism. Much of the equipment is paid for and not given. Much of the equipment is faulty and of poor standard. This has also been the case in the Czech Republic. Shipments of medical equipment regularly “disappear” without reimbursement, causing hospitals and nations to lose money as the Chinese claim no responsibility despite selling the equipment to a higher bidder without reimbursing the original buyer. Russia has launched a disinformation campaign to sow discord within the EU. There is a failure to highlight that the COVID-19 outbreak was exacerbated by initial Chinese efforts to suppress news and containment efforts through, for instance, prosecution of medical professionals. Proper awareness has not been raised to the fact that the exclusion of Taiwan from the WHO due to China’s political aspirations could have saved lives.
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#COVID-19 #koronavirusExpertiza: Migrace/evropská migrační krize, zahraniční politika EU, mezinárodní právo týkající se humanitárních intervencí, skandinávská politika, populismus