INVITATION | Café Evropa online: European commemoration of the Shoah and the fight against Anti-Semitism

We would like to invite you to the next debate in the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic of "European Commemoration of the Shoah Victims and the Fight against Anti-Semitism". The debate will take place on Thursday 23 March at 16:00 online on our Facebook page.

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E15: The European Union strikes back at the US. EU unveils its own plans to boost the green economy

This week, the European Commission will present two important proposals to the public - the Critical Raw Materials Act and the Net-Zero Industry Act. Both regulations are a response to the US Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and aim to make the European economy more competitive and prevent a mass exodus of companies and technological innovation to the United States, Kateřina Davidová, our senior researcher, contributed to this topic.

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POLICY PAPER | In search for a more effective EU foreign and security policy: Can Central Europe seize its momentum?

Lucia Rybnikárová writes in her paper on effective EU foreign and security policy about the need to have a strategic vision of the EU to the world and the political will and commitment of the member-states.

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INVITATION | Café Evropa online: Petr Pavel & Věra Jourová & Vitalij Usatyj: One year after the Russian attack on Ukraine

We would like to invite you to an online debate as part of the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Petr Pavel & Věra Jourová & Vitalij Usatyj: One year after the Russian attack on Ukraine" The debate will take place on Friday 24 February at 14:00 online on our Facebook page.

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BLOG | European Media Freedom Act on the case of Slovenia: Has Slovenia overtaken the European Commission with its new law?

In September 2022, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a new media regulator - the European Media Freedom Act. Slovenia is one of the most struggling EU countries in terms of media freedom and independence. In the summer of 2020, the Janša government proposed a media-focused law that would increase the state's influence over Slovenia's national press agency and limit its funding of the public broadcaster RTV. Has Slovenia's new law put the European Commission ahead of the game? That is what our intern Klára Landová discusses in her blog.

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BLOG | European Media Freedom Act on the case of Slovenia: Has Slovenia overtaken the European Commission with its new law?

V září roku 2022 předložila Evropská komise návrh nového regulátoru médií - Evropský akt o svobodě sdělovacích prostředků. Slovinsko je jednou ze zemí EU, která nejvíce bojuje se svobodu v médiích a jejich nezávislosti. V létě 2020 navrhla Janšova vláda zákon zaměřený na média, který by měl zvýšit vliv státu na slovinskou národní tiskovou agenturu a omezit její činnost financování veřejnoprávní televize RTV. Předběhlo Slovinsko svým novým zákonem Evropskou komisi? Tím se ve svém blogu zabývá naše stážistka Klára Landová.

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iROZHLAS: Suspension of the Erasmus programme for Hungary? "Punishment and isolation of students."

Hungarian students from 21 universities are at risk of not being able to participate in the Erasmus+ education programme. The European Commission has temporarily cut them off. "The students who stand to lose the most from Erasmus are not the children of upper-middle-class parents, but those from smaller towns and rural areas. They don't have the means to travel abroad," Hungarist Oszkár Roginer, Global EU project manager at the EUROPEUM Institute, criticised the decision to

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: What has the Czech Presidency brought for the future - how can the Czech Republic build on the previous six months at the head o

We would like to invite you to an online debate as part of the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "What has the Czech Presidency brought to the future - how can the Czech Republic build on the previous six months at the head of the EU Council?" The debate will take place on Thursday 19 January at 17:30 online on our Facebook page.

Zjistit více Cheap electromobility has been pushed back by Brussels. Batteries must be eco

Electric cars that do not emit dangerous emissions should slowly replace cars with combustion engines. An environmentally friendly replacement. But what about the production of their batteries? According to the EU, the entire life cycle of these batteries should be environmentally friendly, from production to use to disposal. What measures will be introduced, how will the sale of batteries be regulated and how will this affect their price? Our research fellow Michal Hrubý comments on the topic.

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INVITATION: Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe

We sincerely invite you to a debate entitled "Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe", hosted by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, The Centre for European Perspective and the Atlantic Council. The debate will take place on November 23 at 8:45 a.m. at the American Center and will also be streamed online.

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