EuropaSecura 2022 | Ohlédnutí za 15. ročníkem soutěže pro středoškoláky o evropské obraně a bezpečnosti. Vítěze Brusel přivítá v prosinci

Celostátní soutěž EuropaSecura pro středoškoláky o evropské obraně a bezpečnosti, kterou organizujeme za pomoci Armády ČR a Ministerstva obrany, má úspěšně za sebou již 15. ročník a vybrané vítěze, kteří pojedou do Bruselu na začátku prosince. Podívejte se, co soutěž obnáší a jak to vypadá na celostátním finále na vojenské základně v Brdech. Studenti zažili, jak probíhají diplomatická jednání v rámci EU a NATO a jak se řeší krizové situace v rámci EU.

Zjistit více | The negotiations on Euro 7 are approaching. Will they put a stop to internal combustion cars in 2025?

Our researcher Michal Hrubý commented for the news portal on the long-awaited Euro 7 emission standard. In his commentary, he mentions the circumstances of its negotiation and talks about its potential entry into force.

Zjistit více Draghi, the 'stabiliser of Italian politics', at a crossroads. He must resolve government disagreements or call early elections

Italy is facing a government crisis. Prime Minister Draghi has announced his resignation, but the president has not accepted the resignation. Alexandr Lagazzi, our associate research fellow, commented for on the current political situation in Italy and the related resignation of Draghi.

Zjistit více Rescuing Uniper will cost Germany as much as two gigafactories. But experts say it is necessary

German energy giant Uniper is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy and there is not much time left to save it. A key moment is due this Thursday, when it will become clear whether or not Moscow will resume suspended gas supplies to Germany. Our researcher Michal Hrubý commented on this situation for

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Hospodářské noviny: Breakthrough: Macedonians and Albanians start talks on EU accession, Fiala flies to Brussels for a U-turn

The leaders of Northern Macedonia and Albania will open their countries' accession talks to the European Union in Brussels on Tuesday, something for which Northern Macedonia has been waiting for over 17 years and Albania for eight. The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented on this fact for Hospodářské noviny. Žiga Faktor also comments on the agreement between Northern Macedonia and Bulgaria. In his view, the EU may have set a precedent by allowing bilateral historical and cultural disputes to become part of the accession process.

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ČRo Plus: Serbs don't want to join the EU. According to ordinary people, it would be collusion with other corrupt countries

What attitude Serbian citizens have towards EU membership, why they have a "rational attitude" towards it and what their historical ties to Russia are, is the topic of our associate research fellow Marko Stojić's commentary for Czech Radio Plus.

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LA LIBRE: Reputedly Eurosceptic, the Czech Republic is trimming its European suit

Our research fellow Žiga Faktor commented for the Belgian daily La Libre on the topic of Czech Euroscepticism. The positive attitude of Václav Havel (the so-called great European) towards Europe was also reflected in the incoming Czech presidency, specifically in the motto "Europe as a task". The motto is inspired by his speech in Cácy in 1996. Despite a positive attitude in the past, according to the latest data from STEM, only 33 % of Czechs have a positive view of the Czech Republic's EU membership.

Zjistit více Comment: Ukraine in the EU? The biggest risk is empty promises

Our Research Fellow Jana Juzova commented on Ukraine's EU integration. Ukraine's economic level and lack of progress in democratic reforms, among other factors, complicate the EU's enlargement to include Ukraine. Accession would affect the flow of money redistributed from European funds, and Ukraine's membership would also have an impact on the EU Council's voting deliberations and the number of MEP seats.

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Hospodářské noviny: Remembering Havel: Government approves slogan and priorities for EU Presidency. What are they for?

Our senior research fellow, Vít Havelka, wrote OUTLOOK: 2022 Czech EU Council Presidency, which is mentioned in the article of Hospodářské noviny on the Czech EU Council Presidency.

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Hospodářské noviny: Vzpomínka na Havla: Vláda schválila heslo i priority pro předsednictví EU. K čemu vůbec jsou?

Náš seniorní výzkumný pracovník, Vít Havelka, napsal OUTLOOK: 2022 České předsednictví Rady EU, který je zmiňovaný v článku Hospodářských novin o předsednictví České republiky v Radě EU.

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