INVITATION: Security in Europe from a Visegrád viewpoint: strengthening fundamentals, but rethinking perspectives?

In cooperation with Centre for European Policy Studies and European Policy Institutes Network we organise on December 9 an international conference in the framework of the Think Visegrad in Brussels project.

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RTVS: Angela's Merkel candidacy

Our researcher Michal Vít commented for RTVS on the possible candidacy of Angela Merkel in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Germany.

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REPORT: Migration crisis and crossborder cooperation in Central & Eastern Europe

On Wednesday, November 2 we organised a debate on the topic of crossborder cooperation within the migration crisis in Central and Easter Europe. The report from the debate is now available.

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REPORT: Migration crisis and crossborder cooperation in Central & Eastern Europe

Ve středu 2. listopadu se uskutečnila debata pod názvem ''Migration crisis and crossborder cooperation in Central & Eastern Europe'', ze které je nyní dostupný report (v anglickém jazyce).

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INVITATION: Migration crisis and crossborder cooperation in Central & Eastern Europe

On November 2, European house will host the debate called Migration crisis and crossborder cooperation in Central & Eastern Europe, joined by our Research Fellow Christian Kvorning Lassen as one of the speakers.

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POZVÁNKA: Migration crisis and crossborder cooperation in Central & Eastern Europe

Dne 2. listopadu proběhne v Evropském domě debata s názvem Migration crisis and crossborder cooperation in Central & Eastern Europe za účasti našeho výzkumného pracovníka Christiana Kvorning Lassena.

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RTVS: Checks at the internal borders of the Schengen area

Our Research Fellow Christian Kvorning Lassen spoke to Rádio Slovensko RTVS on the subject of the migration crisis and crisis of the V4 countries due to the established checks at the internal borders of the Schengen area.

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Why Central Europe needs a unified strategy for tackling the migration crisis

Christian Kvorning Lassen co-authored an article published on LSE's European Politics and Policy blog, which focuses on the need for a Central European unified strategy for tackling the migration crisis.

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Proč střední Evropa potřebuje jednotnou strategii pro řešení migrační krize

Christian Kvorning Lassen je spoluautorem článku, který se zabývá potřebou jednotné strategie v rámci řešení migrační krize pro státy střední Evropy.

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Der Standard: Refugee crisis: cooperation in the shadow of populism

Christian Kvorning Lassen talked to Der Standard about reactions of the V4 countries to the refugee crisis and the threat of populism.

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