Czech radio | The battle for EU leadership will start after the elections

The elections are not the end of the fight for the very leadership of the European Union. The coming weeks and months will decide the new leadership of the European Commission, the European Council, and the European Parliament. What will follow? Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, Žiga Faktor, answered questions for Czech Radio stations Radiožurnál and Plus.

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JOJ24 | Post-election negotiations within the European Parliament and the potential of the far right

The far right is often disunited, as it lacks electoral discipline and prioritizes its own interests of national politics over its political group. In an interview for the Slovak television JOJ24, Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, describes the role European Conservatives and Reformists and the far right from the Identity and Democracy Group could play in coalition building.

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REPORT | What future for QMV in Foreign and Security Policy?

The debate focused on the possible move to qualified majority voting in the EU's Foreign and Security Policy. The participants in the debate discussed the possible negative and positive aspects of the decision. The debate covered topics such as the fear of over-voting as a possible aspect of division within the Union or the ineffectiveness of the current consensus approach.

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REPORT | Jaká je budoucnost hlasování kvalifikovanou většinou v zahraniční a bezpečnostní politice?

Debata se zabývala možným přechodem k hlasování kvalifikovanou většinou v Zahraniční a bezpečnostní politice EU. Učastníci debaty diskutovali o možných negativních a pozitivních aspektech toho rozhodnutí. Debata pokryla témata jako například obava z přehlasování, jako možný aspekt rozdělení uvnitř Unie či neefiktovnost současného konsensuálního přístupu.

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Policy Paper | Trust in the EU in times of crisis: Public perceptions in the Czech Republic in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic

How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the Czechs' relationship with the European Union? This topic is addressed in a policy paper by visiting fellow Mare Ushkovska.

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Policy Paper | Trust in the EU in times of crisis: Public perceptions in the Czech Republic in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic

Jaké ovlivnila pandemie Covid-19 vztah Čechů k Evropské unii? Tímto tématem se zabývá ve svém policy paperu hostující odborná pracovnice Mare Ushkovska.

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Report | EU-Pacific talks: Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Bold vision for bold players

If you missed the EU-Pacific talks: Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Bold vision for bold players, here you can read the report from the debate written by Zsanett Gréta Papp. During the debate it was discussed, for example, that although each country has its own interests concerning the region, there are several global problems that countries should face together, because one country cannot solve them. On the other hand, it is really difficult to establish dialogue with the Indo-Pacific countries.

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BLOG | Canada as the emerging leader in the Arctic

Zsanett Gréta Papp, our research assistant, writes in her blog "Canada as the emerging leader in the Arctic" that the Arctic is critical to Canada's national identity, prosperity, security, values, and interests. This blog is the first in a series of blogs on the Arctic.

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INVITATION | Café Evropa online: Price rises in Europe - how to tame price rises and maintain social peace?

We would like to invite you to an online debate as part of the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Price rises in Europe - how to tame price rises and maintain social peace?" The debate will take place on Monday 12 December at 17:30 online on our Facebook page.

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Policy Brief: New Resources of the EU Budget

Our researcher Vít Havelka, in his article "New Sources of the EU Budget", which was created under the Think Visegrad in Brussels project, writes about the new own resources of the EU budget, which are currently being discussed at the European level. The text specifically discusses why the reform of own resources is necessary and what are the positions of the various EU institutions and member states on these proposals. It concludes with a reflection on the Czech position, including an outlook on how it might evolve depending on the course of the negotiations.

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