The Diplomat | NATO's New Mission: Keep America Engaged, Russia in Check, and China Out

In an article for the international magazine The Diplomat, Tereza Novotná, an Associate Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, analyzes NATO's new direction, focusing on the Indo-Pacific region. The alliance aims to keep American engagement, curb Russian aggression, and limit China's influence, with strengthening cooperation with partners like South Korea being crucial for ensuring global stability. The article also includes recommendations for enhancing these relationships.

Moreover, the geopolitical landscape adds another layer of complexity. The different relationships between China and various NATO members, often driven by economic interests, create a divergence in threat perception and strategic priorities. While economic considerations influence national policies, there is a unanimous recognition within classified NATO settings of the strategic challenges posed by China. 

Read the entire article here.

#NATO #Indo-Pacific #China

Tereza Novotná
Senior Associate Research Fellow

Expertise: EU foreign policy, North and South Korea and NE Asia; European External Action Service, EU Delegations; transatlantic relations and trade; EU enlargement and EU institutions; Germany (foreign and domestic politics, particularly in the Eastern parts of Germany).

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