E15 | Fico is "orbanising" Slovakia faster than expected. Presidential elections are the hope

In Slovakia, Robert Fico is preparing changes to criminal law that could seriously undermine the functioning of democracy and the rule of law. In particular, the planned abolition of the Office of the Special Prosecutor is a cause for concern. Our project manager Kristína Chlebáková assessed the situation for E15.

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BLOG | Slovakia’s Foreign Policy after the 2023 parliamentary elections

On September 30th, the long-awaited parliamentary elections held place in Slovakia drawing particularly strong global attention due to their perceived impact on the nation's democratic trajectory and their significance for the unity of the European Union. As a result, Robert Fico, leader of the opposition Smer-SD party, and a former Prime minister in three governments, emerged victorious once again, while his populist, aggressive, and anti-West rhetoric sparked further concerns among the EU leaders. Writes Simona Štibraná.

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RTVS | What did the leaders discuss at the European Council?

Představitelé členských států jednali na summitu v Bruselu. Ne všichni se nadále shodují na bezmezné podpoře Ukrajiny. Jaký dopad může mít odlišný pohled Maďarska a Slovenska na zasílání zbraní ukrajinské armádě a co to znamená pro Ukrajinu? I na to odpovídal pro slovenskou televizi RTVS ředitel naší bruselské kanceláře Žiga Faktor.

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Radio Slovensko: Italy has been hit by an expected political earthquake.

A right-wing coalition triumphed in early elections for the first time since the end of the Second World War, with the most successful party being the Brothers of Italy, led by the controversial Giorgia Meloni. Is the incoming prime minister a populist or will she commit to serious politics? Why is the European Union itself worried about her victory? Our research fellow Alexandr Lagazzi contributed to the debate.

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Rádio Slovensko: Is there a room for diplomatic dialogue with Moscow when missiles are still falling on Ukrainian cities?

Žiga Faktor, a research fellow from our Institute and the head of our Brussels office, together with Irena Jenčová from the Euractiv portal, spoke in a Radio Slovakia discussion about sanctions against Russia, the unacceptable demands of the Kremlin, and the search for a way for Europe to replace Russian gas and oil. Will economic pressure force Moscow to come to the negotiating table and declare a ceasefire in Ukraine? Would not greater diplomatic engagement by the United States or China help?

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INVITATION: Webinar: CO2 capture and storage (CCS)

We would like to invite you to a webinar on CO2 capture and storage (CCS) in the Slovak Republic organized within the project ,,Building momentum for the long-term CCS deployment in the CEE region''.

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Radio Slovensko: Polexit is not excluded says Ryszard Terlecki

The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Vladimír Bartovic commented on the Deputy Marshal of the Sejm. Ryszard Terlecki says that Poland's leaving the European Union is not excluded. Vladimír Bartovic thinks it is unlikely.

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Radio Slovensko: Poland faces millions in sanctions for the activities of a committee that decides on the prosecution of judges and prosecutors

The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Vladimír Bartovic commented on the conflict between Brussels and Warsaw in a case of a violation of European law in the matter of criminal prosecution of judges and prosecutors. Therefore Poland faces heavy financial penalties.

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Rádio Slovensko: Usage of digital technologies is more ethical in the EU than it is in China

Martin Vokálek, Deputy Director of the EUROPEM Institute, commented on the EU’s approach towards development and usage of digital technologies for the Slovak Radio.

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Denník N: Coal production comes to an end, Slovakia and Czechia should make use of it

Kateřina Davidová, our research fellow, commented on the recently introduced climate package of the European Commission „Fit for 55“ for the Slovak news server Denník N. With the package the EU aims to reach the climate neutrality until 2050.

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