REPORT: 30 Years of Visegrad: Role of the V4 countries in shaping the future of the EU

The Think-Tank Think Visegrad published a report on the anniversary of the Visegrad Four, its future and its role in the EU. The conference took place on November 22, 2021. Speakers discussed, among other things, the perspectives of the Visegrad countries at the conference and what the future of the Visegrad is.

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REPORT: 30 let Visegrádu: Role zemí V4 při utváření budoucnosti EU

Report o výročí Visegrádské čtyřky, její budoucnosti a roli v EU zveřejnil Think-Tank Think Visegrad. Konference se konala 22. listopadu 2021. Řečníci diskutovali mimo jiné o perspektivách zemí Visegrádu na Konferenci budoucnosti Evropy a jaká je budoucnost Visegrádu.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Common European Defense

We would love to invite you to another debate within the Café Evropa series, called: "Common European Defense - is cooperation between the armies and the defense industry in the EU countries successful and sufficiently effective?" Although the idea of a common European army has appeared more frequently than ever in the statements of various European politicians in recent years, in reality this possibility is relatively unlikely in the foreseeable future. Is the European Union self-sufficient in terms of raw materials or supply chains? What is the attitude of the Member States of the Union to deepening defense cooperation? And where is European defense actually heading?

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INTELLINEWS: VISEGRAD BLOG: Zeman tries to show he is still in charge of Czech foreign policy

Our Director Zdeněk Beránek has contributed to a piece by Robert Anderson for Intellinews. He tackles Zeman´s stand on the Visegrad Four partnership and his obstruction to shift the foreign policy of the Czech republic towards a focus on human rights.

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INTELLINEWS: VISEGRAD BLOG: Zeman se snaží ukázat, že stále řídí českou zahraniční politiku

Náš ředitel Zdeněk Beránek přispěl do článku Roberta Andersona pro Intellinews. Zabývá se Zemanovým postojem k partnerství Visegrádské čtyřky a jeho obstrukcemi při posunu zahraniční politiky České republiky směrem k zaměření na lidská práva.

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Eastern Monitor: Great Power dynamics in the Taiwan straits: What lies ahead?

In the last Eastern Monitor, Michal Beneš focused on the dynamic conflict between the great powers in the Taiwan Strait. He focused on what might await us in the future. The text doesn't aim to find a solution to this complex conflict but instead presents several possible future scenarios to its readers.

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Eastern Monitor: Dynamika velmocí v Tchajwanském průlivu: Co nás čeká?

Michal Beneš se v posledním Eastern Monitoru věnoval dynamickému konfliktu velmocí v Tchajwanském průlivu. Zaměřil se na to, co by nás mohlo čekat v budoucnu. V textu se nesnaží nalézt řešení tohoto složitého konfliktu, ale místo toho čtenářům předkládá několik možných budoucích scénářů.

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INVITATION: Eastern Partnership Summit 2021 as a new chapter of the EU-EaP relations: Time for diversification?

We would like to invite you to a debate entitled "Eastern Partnership Summit 2021 as a new chapter of the EU-EaP relations: Time for diversification?" The online debate will take place on December 14 at 17:30.

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Press Release: CCS4CEE Project - Building momentum for the long-term CCS deployment in the CEE region

The CCS4CEE project analyses the current state of development of CCS (carbon capture and storage) technology in Central and Eastern Europe and aims primarily at renewing the debate on CCS technology and enabling its future deployment in the region.

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Tisková zpráva: Projekt CCS4CEE - Building momentum for the long-term CCS deployment in the CEE region

Projekt CCS4CEE analyzuje současný stav rozvoje CCS (zachytávání a ukládání oxidu uhličitého) ve střední a východní Evropě a má za cíl především pomoci obnovit debatu o technologii CCS a umožnit její budoucí aplikaci v tomto regionu.

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