ČRo: What is the energy situation in our country and in the world? How will the government strategy evolve here and in European countries? What about the world

The International Energy Agency said in its quarterly report that Europe will face unprecedented risks regarding Russian supplies and may be forced to compete with Asia for liquefied natural gas. Our research fellow Michal Hrubý discussed the European situation, including the Czech situation in this global context, with Martina Mašková.

"At the moment, it seems that at least this year, the individual Indo-Pacific countries have adapted relatively to the rising prices, that is, we could see either a reduction or rather some maintenance of the existing consumption levels. It can be expected that in that next year their consumption could possibly increase, depending of course on how they want to switch to other sources, because we have already seen this year that of course for those clear price reasons in those individual states they have been able to basically substitute gas with other sources. We will see how that develops, but anyway, the very big question is how this winter will play out, whether in Europe or in other regions. That is to say, how we are going to be doing with gas supplies more in that late winter and early spring period. We are already seeing that investments and, in particular, new contracts are already being made on a more long-term basis. Hopefully, the situation will stabilise more."

 The full interview can be found here.

#gas #market

Michal Hrubý
Research Fellow

Expertise: EU green economics, heavy industry, transport

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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