Czechia between V4 and the EU: the impact of migration on Visegrad cohesion

Vladislav Strnad authored a policy brief on the impact of the migration crisis on the V4 countries across the EU context.

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Czechia between V4 and the EU: the impact of migration on Visegrad cohesion

Vladislav Strnad publikoval Policy brief o dopadu migrační krize na země V4 v celounijním kontextu.

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Europe on Populism: Policies of intolerance should not be tolerated

Naše Rachel Warren analyzuje ve svém nejnovějším blogu evropské politické trendy a vzestup populismu.

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INVITATION: Daniel Cohn-Bendit: From an uprising Europe to a fearful one?

We would like to cordially invite you to the debate with Daniel Cohn-Bendit titled "From an uprising Europe to a fearful one?" which will take place on April 29, 2018 at 20.00 in Václav Havel Library in Prague.

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INVITATION: Building Europe through Democratic Processes

We would like to cordially inviite you on the debate dealing with the issue of EU's democratic legitimacy. The event will take place on Monday 18th of September, 2017 (17:00- 19:00) at Schebek Palace (Politických věznů 936/7, Prague 1).

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RTVS: Right-wing activists to stop migrants from coming to Italy

In an interview for RTVS, our research fellow Christian K. Lassen commented on the recent attempt of the right-wing group Generation Identity to stop non-governmental organizations from helping migrants, which are trying to reach Italian shores.

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Reforming the Common European Asylum Policy (CEAS)

Christian Kvorning Lassen has analyzed in his latest policy paper how the Common European Asylum System works and to what extent the treatment of asylum seekers and the rate of recognition of applications vary in practice between EU members.

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Reforming the Common European Asylum Policy (CEAS)

Christian Kvorning Lassen analyzoval ve svém nejnovějším policy paperu jak funguje společný evropský azylový systém a do jaké míry se v praxi zacházení s žadateli o azyl a míra uznání žádostí liší mezi jednotlivými členy EU.

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La Dédiabolisation

Martin Michelot byl spoluautorem článku La Dédiabolisation, ve kterém analyzuje úspěch francouzské ultrapravicové strany Front National, její politický program a dopad potenciálního zvolení Marine Le Pen ve francouzských prezidentských volbách na Francii a Evropskou unii.

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Scandinavian domino: Denmark follows Sweden in tightening border controls

Following the announcement of Sweden and Denmark to re-introduce border controls in the light of the refugee crisis, Christian Kvorning Lassen looks at the broader implications of this move and the future of the Schengen area.

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