| European defense is not in good shape, new commissioner can help

The post of European Defense Commissioner had been discussed for at least a year before Ursula von der Leyen presented the shape of her second European Commission. It was only with the publication last month of the letter of credentials, which acts as a sort of job description for the future commissioner, that the position to be held by former two-time Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius got clearer contours. Zuzana Krulichová, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, commented for

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Debate in Brussels | A wind of change? Role of Central Europe and the next EU political cycle

As the dust settles after a hectic period of post-election negotiations, Von der Leyen’s second Commission is faced with serious economic challenges. Recent reports of Draghi and Letta have clearly indicated that the EU is lagging behind other global powers in the areas of growth and competitiveness and this is reflected in the composition of the College as well as within strategic priorities for the next political cycle. Come listen and debate about challenges EU is facing!

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Report | Making enlargement work again: Supporting Western Balkans through the experiences of Central and Eastern Europe

On September 12th, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office organized a public conference titled “Making enlargement work again: Supporting Western Balkans through the experiences of Central and Eastern Europe”. Following a keynote speech by H.E. Bálint Ódor, the panel discussions dwelled on the 2004 enlargement, its impacts on the EU and the lessons learned from the process through the perspective of current EU accession of the countries of Western Balkans.

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Report | Ukraine’s EU membership: an economic challenge or an opportunity?

On September 26th, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office organized an expert discussion titled “Ukraine’s EU membership: an economic challenge or an opportunity?” The debate focused on the potential economic impacts of Ukraine’s accession to the Union, including the EU budget, sectoral policies, energy or critical raw materials. It also evaluated the opportunities for Central European countries and their private sector to strengthen the ties between the two regions. Read the full report below.

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Report | Členství Ukrajiny v EU: ekonomická výzva, nebo příležitost?

Dne 26. září uspořádala bruselská kancelář Institutu EUROPEUM odbornou diskusi s názvem „Členství Ukrajiny v EU: ekonomická výzva nebo příležitost?“. Debata se zaměřila na možné ekonomické dopady vstupu Ukrajiny do Unie, včetně rozpočtu EU, sektorových politik, energetiky nebo kritických surovin. Hodnotila také příležitosti pro středoevropské země a jejich soukromý sektor a posílení vazeb mezi oběma regiony. Celou zprávu si můžete přečíst níže.

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ČT24 | New Secretary General Rutte assures Ukraine of NATO support

The newly elected NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte went on his first working visit to Ukraine. He assured President Volodymyr Zelensky that he wants member countries to continue to support Ukraine and strengthen defense. Experts say they don't expect a change in the direction of the North Atlantic Alliance with the new chief, while warning that under the circumstances it will be the most difficult for him to keep the alliance together. For ČT24 comments Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute Danielle Piatkiewicz.

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ČTK | Austria-led FPÖ may be a problem for Ukrainian support

Austria, led by the right-wing populist Freedom Party of Austria, could pose a problem for support for Ukraine, said Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute, in an interview with ČTK. At the same time, he said, it would change the distribution of power within the European Council, specifically, the EU summits, where a strong group of prime ministers from the Patriots for Europe faction would be formed.

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ČT24 | Austrian Freedom Party has a historic success. The question is now coalition potential

The historic success of the Freedom Party of Austria and the dramatic defeat of the ruling People's Party are the results of Sunday's Austrian National Council elections, according to the local media. The Social Democrats are likely to face another reboot and there is no room for small parties in parliament. On Monday night, the Austrian authorities officially published the results of the vote, which are being reported across Europe. Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and head of Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute commented for Czech TV.

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Seznam Zprávy | Six winners of the Brussels unveiling. Who gained influence in the new Commission and why

Representatives from France, Italy and Spain have won key positions in the new European Commission. Strong portfolios for politicians from Slovakia and Poland may come as a surprise. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Seznam Zprávy.

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e15 | European politicians boycott Hungarian presidency. Will Orbán continue to provoke?

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán took over the EU Council presidency less than a month ago, but he has already managed to provoke the EU institutions and most member states with his unauthorized "peace" mission to Russia and China. During this mission, he presented himself as a representative of the European Union, despite having no authority to do so. European politicians have responded to this situation with initial retaliatory measures. How will Viktor Orbán proceed? What strategies and tactics might the Hungarian Prime Minister use during his presidency? Oszkár Roginer-Hofmeister, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this for e15.

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