Policy Brief | Vyhlídky na změny ve složení evropských institucí po volbách v roce 2024

Publikace analyzuje možné změny ve složení Evropského parlamentu po volbách v roce 2024, zamýšlí se nad vývojem politického prostředí od roku 2019 a poukazuje na posuny ve stranické dynamice, jako je roztříštění tradiční stranické dominance a vznik nových politických uskupení. Kromě toho zkoumá možné změny v obsazení vrcholných pozic v EU po volbách a zabývá se přetrvávajícími obavami ohledně geografického zastoupení v institucích EU, zejména v Evropské komisi. Píše Tomasz Zając z Polského institutu mezinárodních vztahů (PISM).

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TV Nova | The far right wins the first round of parliamentary elections in France

The far-right National Rally of Marine Le Pen wins the first round of the early parliamentary elections in France. The foreign media are talking about the end of the Macron era, but he is not giving up and has called on the French people to vote against the far right. Martin Vokálek, executive director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for TV Nova on what is driving voters to the far right and what the situation is in France.

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The Parliament Magazine | From military support to EU membership: What the new European Parliament means for Ukraine

The results of the European elections are favorable for Ukraine; the center-right European People's Party (EPP) won the most seats, thereby strengthening the position of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, a strong supporter of Ukraine. On the other hand, while some groups to the right of the EPP also had successes, their support for Ukraine is mixed. Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, commented the situation for The Parliament magazine.

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ČT24 | Negotiations on the new leadership of the European Union

Negotiations on the EU leadership positions will continue next week. On Thursday, leaders and presidents are due to make their final decision at a summit in Brussels. Vladimír Bartovic, President of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on whether Ursula von der Leyen will defend her post as President of the European Commission.

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Seznam Zprávy | Czechs with MEP Turek and Germans disappointed with the "post-Soviet" development

The European elections ended with the success of far-right parties. Nevertheless, they will probably not have a decisive influence in the European Parliament and there will probably be no significant shift in the European agenda. What will the new MEPs do about the Green Deal or further support for Ukraine? Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of EUROPEUM's Brussels office, comments for the 5:59 podcast of Seznam Zprávy.

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TV ZAK | The Euro elections are over. Experts commented on the results during the night at the European House

The interests of the Czech Republic will be represented for the next 5 years by 21 newly elected MEPs. Experts commented on the interim results of the elections during the night from Sunday to Monday at the European House on Národní třída in Prague. The election night also included a panel discussion during which the performance of the European Parliament was evaluated. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, outlined the challenges that await the new one for regional TV ZAK.

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ČRo Plus | Far-right parties in the European Parliament

Surveys suggest that the far-right is gaining strength. Experts predict the possibility of a "Trump-like moment" in Europe. How significant is this risk for key EU players such as Germany, France, or Italy? Are there similar reasons for the rise in support for right-wing parties across Europe? These and other questions were answered by Vít Havelka, Senior Researcher at EUROPEUM Institute for Czech Radio.

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TV Nova | How does the Czech public view climate change and the development of renewable energy sources?

Before the upcoming elections to the European Parliament, a debate was held on TV Nova among the leading figures of the seven main political parties, movements, and coalitions. Discussions revolved around important issues such as the migration pact or the conflict in Ukraine. Rebeka Hengalová, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, provided an analysis for TV Nova on how the Czech public views climate change and the development of renewable energy sources.

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TV Nova | What threatens the European Union?

Before the upcoming elections to the European Parliament, a debate was held on TV Nova among the leading figures of the seven main political parties, movements, and coalitions. Important issues such as the migration pact or the conflict in Ukraine were discussed. Martin Vokálek, Director of EUROPEUM Institute, provided an analysis for TV Nova regarding the main threats facing the European Union.

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Sestry.eu | European Parliament Elections: Forecasts, Threats, Expectations

The elections to the European Parliament, which are taking place place from June 6 to 9, could bring significant changes to the EU's political scene. Polls suggest that there could be a strengthening of right-wing and populist parties, which could weaken current support for Ukraine and bolster Eurosceptic and pro-Russian positions. Martin Vokálek, director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for the Ukrainian server Sestry.eu.

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