Policy Paper | HOW TO PLAY THE DIGITAL POWER GAME WITH LIMITED MEANS Policy Principles for the Next European Commission

In the global competition for technological dominance, this policy brief sets out six principles for the next Commission on how to play the digital power game with limited resources. Despite the size of its market, the EU lacks common fiscal capacity, capital markets and labour market dynamics. Writes Silke Maes, Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute.

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Report | EU-Pacific Talks: Taiwan and security dimension – lessons learned, Indo-Pacific containment

During the first debate of the third edition of the EU-Pacific Talks, organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, participants engaged in a lively debate covering various aspects of Taiwan's status. They discussed the economic, military and value drivers behind Taiwan's importance, addressing concerns about China's approach and lessons from other global conflicts such as the war in Ukraine. Read what our guests debated in this report by Adam Horry.

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E15: EU emission standards will not be enough for China. Beijing is preparing its own rules

The EU countries have decided that the sale of new cars with internal combustion engines will end by 2035 at the latest. Although this is a highly controversial move in the Czech Republic, it is unlikely to be of much significance in the context of the global new car market. The new Euro 7 emissions standard will be the same. Our Senior Research Fellow Vít Havelka commented on this topic.

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Policy Paper | The future is electric: role of Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain

The car industry is a crucial player for the economies of each Visegrad country, but to remain competitive adaptation is necessary. Since the shift from ICE to EVs leads to a substantial need for Critical Raw Materials (CRM), the V4 countries have and must continue to position themselves along the different parts of the EV battery supply chain from mining, refining to manufacturing, reuse and recycling as well as R&D into new battery chemistries. The future is electric: role of the Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain report addresses areas for Visegrad countries to ensure a sustainable and reliable EV battery supply chain.

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Policy Paper | The future is electric: role of Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain

Automobilový průmysl je pro ekonomiky všech visegrádských zemí klíčovým hráčem, ale pro zachování konkurenceschopnosti je nutné se mu přizpůsobit. Vzhledem k tomu, že přechod od vozidel s vnitřním spalovacím motorem k elektrickým vozidlům vede ke značné potřebě kritických surovin (Critical Raw Materials - CRM), země V4 se musely a musejí i nadále snažit zaujmout pozici v různých částech dodavatelského řetězce baterií pro elektrická vozidla, od těžby, rafinace až po výrobu, opětovné použití a recyklaci, jakož i výzkum a vývoj nových chemických technologií baterií. Zpráva The future is electric: Role of the Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain (Budoucnost je elektrická: role zemí Visegrádu v dodavatelském řetězci baterií pro elektromobily) se zabývá oblastmi, v nichž mohou země Visegrádu zajistit udržitelný a spolehlivý dodavatelský řetězec baterií pro elektromobily.

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Report: EU - Pacific talks: EU - ASEAN relations: For better and for worse

If you missed the debate EU - Pacific talks: EU - ASEAN relations: for better and for worse, you can read the report from the debate written by Šárka Váchalová. During the debate these questions were discussed: As tensions with authoritarian powers such as Russia and China amplify, how can the EU and ASEAN partnership remain strong moving forward? What are the areas that the two regions can strengthen given the ongoing geopolitical tug of war?

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Policy Brief: Responding to China's connectivity agenda in EU's Neighborhood: a Central European perspective

A Policy Brief on the appropriate response of Central European countries to China's expansion in the EU neighbourhood was produced during a study visit to the Brussels office of the Think Visegrad platform. The author of the paper, Jakub Jakóbowski, focuses on the possibilities of engaging Central Europe in the EU's global connectivity agenda, implemented under the Global Gateway initiative. He highlights links with the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership as an indispensable element of Central European connectivity.

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INVITATION: EU-PACIFIC Talks: EU – Japan Strategic dialogue: climate change cooperation as a pathway to the future

We would like to invite you to the third of six debates in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Wednesday 1 December at 18:00 and you can watch the online stream on our Facebook page.

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INVITATION: Transatlantic Relations in Review: Shared Values and Challenges

We would like to invite you to the debate “Transatlantic Relations in Review: Shared Values and Challenges”, which will take place in American Center at Tržiště 366, Malá Strana and will also be streamed online here on our Facebook page. The debate will take place on Thursday 18th November at 15:30.

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EU – Japan Economic Partnership Agreement: Strengthening economic ties as a way out of recession

Our intern Jana Záhořová wrote a report on this years second debate about the EU's relations with Japan and its progress.

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