e15 | Slovak government toughens up after attack on Fico. Violent acts may increase, experts warn

Democracy and the rule of law in Slovakia are in even greater danger after last week's assassination of Prime Minister Robert Fico than before. According to the local media, there are fears that government politicians, led by Fico's interim deputy Robert Kaliňák, will try to take advantage of the current situation to introduce repressive measures against the opposition and the liberal media, which could also affect local business. Project manager of EUROPEUM Institute Kristína Chlebáková comments on the situation for e15.

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BLOG | Radio Silence: EU Media Laws in the Hungarian Context

The European Union has passed major legislation to try and secure media freedom and independence in recent years. However, for the state of media pluralism in certain Member States, these efforts have come too late. In the Hungarian context, a pro-ruling party media ecosystem stands well-entrenched in the private and public media sector. Writes our researcher, Henry Barrett, a Fulbright-Schuman Grantee.

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BLOG | Rádiový klid: Mediální zákony EU v maďarském kontextu

Evropská unie v posledních letech přijala zásadní legislativu, aby zajistila svobodu médií a nezávislost. Nicméně v určitých členských státech tyto snahy o stav mediálního pluralismu přišly příliš pozdě. V maďarském kontextu: mediální ekosystém ve prospěch vládnoucí strany pevně zakotven v soukromém i ve veřejném mediálním sektoru. Píše náš výzkumník Henry Barrett, držitel Fulbrightovy-Schumanovy grantové podpory.

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RevivEU project, carried out by four leading institutions in the V4 countries, looks at the needs, concerns and fears of the V4 citizens in four various EU-related topics. It does so through both quantitative and qualitative research of citizens´ attitudes towards climate change, migration, covid-19 and the rule of law. It also analyses the governmental policies in these four main areas and how the communication of these policies is framed in the public discourse.

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BLOG | European Media Freedom Act on the case of Slovenia: Has Slovenia overtaken the European Commission with its new law?

In September 2022, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a new media regulator - the European Media Freedom Act. Slovenia is one of the most struggling EU countries in terms of media freedom and independence. In the summer of 2020, the Janša government proposed a media-focused law that would increase the state's influence over Slovenia's national press agency and limit its funding of the public broadcaster RTV. Has Slovenia's new law put the European Commission ahead of the game? That is what our intern Klára Landová discusses in her blog.

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BLOG | European Media Freedom Act on the case of Slovenia: Has Slovenia overtaken the European Commission with its new law?

V září roku 2022 předložila Evropská komise návrh nového regulátoru médií - Evropský akt o svobodě sdělovacích prostředků. Slovinsko je jednou ze zemí EU, která nejvíce bojuje se svobodu v médiích a jejich nezávislosti. V létě 2020 navrhla Janšova vláda zákon zaměřený na média, který by měl zvýšit vliv státu na slovinskou národní tiskovou agenturu a omezit její činnost financování veřejnoprávní televize RTV. Předběhlo Slovinsko svým novým zákonem Evropskou komisi? Tím se ve svém blogu zabývá naše stážistka Klára Landová.

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Blog | European Media Freedom Act

In her blog, our intern Leonor Tavares focuses on the new European media freedom act. Independent media as a means of freedom of expression is under threat in some EU member states and is being used for political propaganda or is being shut down altogether. The new law should ensure that public service media provide a plurality of information in an impartial manner, while regulating their funding and the acquisition and protection of journalistic sources.

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INVITATION: Protection of information space, free media and their role in strengthening the rule of law

We would like to invite you to a conference on the protection of information space, free media and their role in strengthening the rule of law, which will take place on 3 June at 13:45 at the European House in Prague.

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Policy Paper: Time to Redefine the Terms and Conditions of the Transatlantic Relationship? – 2021 Transatlantic Policy Forum in Review

On November 18-19, 2021, the fourth edition of the Transatlantic Policy Forum took place. It was hosted by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in partnership with the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the International Republican Institute (IRI), supported by the International Visegrad Fund, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The aim of this Policy Paper is to provide a summary and analysis of the discussions that took place, while respecting the Chatham House rule and thus preserving the anonymity of the participants. This analysis aims to highlight and elaborate on the main findings of the participants.

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Aktuálně.cz: Domino effect in Central Eastern Europe? EU criticises attacks on media in Slovenia

Slovenia is beginning to resemble Hungary in many ways. The European Parliament's attention has been drawn, among other things, to pressure on journalists and independent institutions. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office of the Institute for European Policy, commented on the state of the rule of law in Slovenia for Aktuálně.

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