INVITATION: Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe

We sincerely invite you to a debate entitled "Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe", hosted by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, The Centre for European Perspective and the Atlantic Council. The debate will take place on November 23 at 8:45 a.m. at the American Center and will also be streamed online.

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Old and New EU Engines - Shifting Power and Strategic Alternatives for EU and V4 after Brexit

On October 9, 2017 an international conference “Old and new EU engines: Shifting Power and Strategic Alternatives for EU and V4 after Brexit” took place. Our Zuzana Stichlíková contributed with her speech regarding the influence of Brexit on the Czech Republic.

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Old and New EU Engines - Shifting Power and Strategic Alternatives for EU and V4 after Brexit

Dne 9. 10. 2017 se konala mezinárodní konference s názvem “Old and new EU engines: Shifting Power and Strategic Alternatives for EU and V4 after Brexit” a naše Zuzana Stuchlíková se zúčastnila a přispěla do debaty svým komentářem o možných vlivech Brexitu na Českou republiku.

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EU Rights Clinic Refers Sweden to Commission for Breach of Free Movement Rules

EU Rights Clinic has submitted a complaint to the European Commission against Sweden for the refusal of the Swedish tax authorities

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EU Rights Clinic Refers Sweden to Commission for Breach of Free Movement Rules

EU Rights Clinic podala stížnost k Evropské komisi na podporu všech obyvatel Švédska, kterým je upřeno právo o vydání jejich identifikačního čísla.

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