RTVS | EU leaders discussed the new European Commission

On Monday, June 17, an informal meeting of the 27 member states of the European Union took place. Their leaders discussed the nominations of members for the new European Commission. Ursula von der Leyen will also have to compete for her position as President of the European Commission again. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, discussed her chances on the Slovak television RTVS.

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ČT24 | The position of the far right in the EU elections

Political analysts and pre-election polls predict a strengthening of the right or far right after the European Parliament elections in June. The success of the populists may be due to a change in priorities among younger voters. This group may feel overlooked and disadvantaged compared to older generations. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this issue.

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ČT24 | The European Union is in a state of unity, despite differences among some member countries

The European Parliament elections held from June 6th till 9th not only introduced a new lineup of MEPs but also brought significant changes in the distribution of seats among various countries. The European Union is gearing up for new challenges with its new leadership, and Hungary will assume the presidency in July. How will the European institutions transform, and what priorities will dominate over the next five years? Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Czech Television.

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ČRo Plus | EU leaders no longer let Orbán blackmail them. He has lost the battle, but he is already preparing for another one

At the summit, EU leaders agreed to release €50 billion to help Ukraine. After previous long resistance from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the agreement was surprisingly quick. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM, summarised the situation.

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Policy Paper | Will the future of the EU be driven top-down or bottom up?

Read the article by Markéta Pekarčíková, who has written a policy paper on possible approaches and proposals that the European Union could follow or at least be inspired by. It provides a theoretical perspective on the future of the European Union as perceived by the previous European Commission under the leadership of Jean-Claude Juncker. The EU27 was to decide its future by 2025.

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RTVS | EU leaders summit decides to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova

Viktor Orbán leaves the room before the vote on the opening of accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, showing his position but not blocking the move. How did the other heads of state convince him? What can we expect from the Hungarian Prime Minister in the future? Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, answered these questions for Slovak RTVS.

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Euractiv: Podcast: thanks to the presidency and support of Ukraine, the Czech Republic has incredibly strengthened its reputation in Brussels, says analyst

The Czech Republic presents itself as one of the leaders in aid to Ukraine, which is affected by Russian aggression, and in the second half of last year it held the Presidency of the EU Council, thus taking important decisions. Our editorial team went to Brussels - the centre of EU affairs - to find out whether this is indeed the case. How has the Czech reaction to the war affected the country's position in the EU-27 or its reputation in the eyes of its international partners? Žiga Faktor, head of the EUROPEUM Institute's Brussels office, commented on the following topics.

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INVITATION | EU-Pacific Talks: EU – ASEAN relations: For better and for worse

We would like to invite you to the debate called "EU – ASEAN relations: For better and for worse" in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on our Facebook on Tuesday, September 27 at 11:00.

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Podcasts by EUROPEUM

Podcasts by EUROPEUM offer debates and interviews concerning European topics including projects Prague Climate Talks, EU±, and EU-Pacific Talks. You can find a full list of episodes and information on where to listen to the podcast is available in an article.

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Podcasts by EUROPEUM

Podcasts by EUROPEUM nabízí debaty a rozhovory na evropská témata zahrnující projekty Prague Climate Talks, EU± a EU-Pacific Talks. Seznam epizod a informace o tom, kde si podcast můžete pustit, najdete v článku.

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