Op-Ed | The grain dispute is the first sign that Ukraine's EU accession will not be easy. What obstacles await on this path?

The Ukrainian grain situation is making waves in Europe. Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office Ziga Faktor wrote an Op-Ed about the impact of the situation on the country's EU accession and how some member states are reacting.

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Policy Brief: Black Sea Synergy: Adopting a Holistic Approach to Maritime Security

As part of a study visit to the Brussels office of Think Visegrad, a publication by Michael van Ginkel was published, focusing on prosperity and security in the Black Sea region. The document provides an overview of the current situation in the region, possible threats, and ways to prevent them. The author of the paper recommends adopting a holistic approach to maritime security and describes priority areas that could benefit from increased synergies in the Black Sea region.

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Přehled: Instituce Evropské unie – Komise, Parlament a Rady (1. část)

Přinášíme vám přehled o institucionální struktuře Evropské unie, o kompetencích a fungování jednotlivých unijních orgánů a o tom, jak mezi sebou jednotlivé instituce spolupracují. V článku se také dočtete, jak se mohou občané EU zapojit do unijního rozhodovacího procesu a jaká v tomto ohledu mají práva.

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Info.cz: Another blow to EU unity. Bulgarian "blackmailing" threatens the accession of Northern Macedonia

In her latest commentary, our research fellow Jana Juzová focuses on the recent development of the EU enlargement process in the Western Balkans, especially on the Bulgarian rejection of membership talks with Northern Macedonia.

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ČT24: Romania takes over the EU presidency

Our Vít Havelka was a guest of the morning Studio 6 where he commented on the upcoming Romania's EU presidency.

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