FORUM 24 | Michel's (ir)responsible departure and Orbán at the head of the European Council? Election fight begins in Brussels

The announced departure of Charles Michel from the European Council immediately became the focus of discussions across Brussels and the member states. Our Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office Žiga Faktor commented on several key issues related to the future functioning of the EU.

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Op-Ed | The grain dispute is the first sign that Ukraine's EU accession will not be easy. What obstacles await on this path?

The Ukrainian grain situation is making waves in Europe. Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office Ziga Faktor wrote an Op-Ed about the impact of the situation on the country's EU accession and how some member states are reacting.

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Blog | US Midterms: Consequences for the security of Eastern Europe

The recent US midterm elections made headlines around the world. The main issues that voters were interested in were the state of democracy and the rule of law, abortion, the economy and education. Our intern Tomáš Moudrý addressed these topics in his blog. "The most expensive midterms in the US history are over. Republicans gained the House majority with 221 seats and the Democrats retained the Senate with 51 seats. Is this a surprising result? Partly yes, partly no. Firstly, polls and even Republicans were sure about a “Red wave“ that would sweep across the US. Instead, there was a tossup in both Chambers of the Congress. Secondly, the President’s party usually lose the midterms. One can argue that midterms from the incumbent President’s party perspective traditionally have just one major goal – to mitigate losses by the closest possible margin. The Democrats seem to have found a way to deal with this fate, despite Biden's low approval rating."

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ČRo Wave: Korzo Národní welcomed Podhoubí. 17 November as an opportunity to discuss the carbon-free economy

Our senior researcher was a guest on Radio Wave's Podhoubí programme discussing the green economy. This was a podcast form recorded live in front of an audience to mark the 17 November celebrations at Korzo Národní.

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ČRo Wave: Korzo Národní přivítalo Podhoubí. 17. listopad jako příležitost k diskuzi o ekonomice bez uhlíku

Naše seniorní výzkumná pracovnice byla hostkou v diskuzi o zelené ekonomice pořadu Podhoubí Radia Wave. Jednalo se o podcastovou formu natáčenou živě před publikem u příležitosti oslav 17. listopadu v rámci programu Korzo Národní.

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ČRo Radio Wave: IPCC climate report: last chance to reverse disaster. Scientists are clearly running out of patience

Our researcher Kateřina Davidová was a guest on the Podhoubí podcast of Czech Radio. The podcast focuses on the latest IPCC climate report, which has sparked protests against the ineffectiveness of the fight against climate change even in the scientific community. According to Kateřina Davidová, there is a need to go the way of solar and wind energy while increasing the energy efficiency of buildings.

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ČRo Rádio Wave: IPCC zpráva o klimatu: poslední šance zvrátit katastrofu. Vědcům zřetelně dochází trpělivost

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Kateřina Davidová byla hostem poslední epizody podcastu Podhoubí Českého rozhlasu. Podcast se věnuje poslední zprávě o klimatu IPCC, která vyvolala protesty proti neefektivitě boje proti klimatickým změnám i ve vědecké komunitě. Podle Kateřiny Davidové je potřeba jít cestou solární a větrné energetiky, a zároveň zvyšovat energetickou účinnost budov.

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Boj s pandemií COVID-19: Měla by se Česká republika osamostatnit od skupiny V4 a spolupracovat více s EU?

Ve svém blogovém příspěvku pojednává Liliana Kotval o boji s pandemií COVID-19 v České republice a dalších zemích V4 a hodnotí jejich spolupráci s EU.

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REPORT: Western Balkans in 2020

Our researchers, Žiga Faktor and Jana Juzová, analyse elections in Serbia, Croatia, Northern Macedonia and Montenegro in four policy papers and offer recommendations aimed at strengthening the EU's enlargement policy.

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REPORT: Západní Balkán v roce 2020

Naši výzkumní pracovníci Žiga Faktor a Jana Juzová ve čtyřech policy paperech analyzují letošní volby v Srbsku, Chorvatsku, Severní Makedonii a Černé Hoře a nabízí doporučení zaměřená na posílení politiky rozšiřování EU.

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