Notre Europe: The winner of Czech Republic legislative election is Andrej Babis

The winner of the Czech parliamentary election is sometines called Czech Trump, or Berlusconi.

Zjistit více PDF The European Union in the election programmes of Czech political parties

Our fellow researcher Michal Vít contributed to an analysis of the attitudes of the Czech political parties towards the European Union

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EUobserver: Commentary on the situation in the Czech Republic after the election

Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the current political situation after the Czech parliamentary election.

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Minerva: Trump comparison – an eurosceptic millionaire heads to win the elections in the Czech Republic

Our Christian Kvorning Lasses contributed to an article for the Norwegian Minerva about the Czech parliamentary elections and Andrej Babis' chances of winning.

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INVITATION: Factors that influence Czech voters

We would like to cordially invite you on the debate tackling the issue of factors that influence voters in Czech Parliamentary Elections, shortly before the Czech Parliamentary Elections. The debate will take place on October 16th, 2017 at the European house (Jungmannova, Prague 1).

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Komentář: State of the Union Address 2017

Vladimír Bartovic, Martin Michelot, Zuzana Stuchlíková, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Kateřina Davidová, Alexandr Lagazzi a Benedetta Fornaciari da Passano reagují na projev předsedy Jean-Claude Junckera o stavu Unie z hlediska budoucího vývoje EU s ohledem na pozici České republiky.

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ČT24: Election results in Britain

In an interview for ČT24, our research fellow Michal Vít commented on the recent parliamentary elections in Britain.

Zjistit více The election results will most likely bring soft Brexit and an agreement with the EU

In an interview for, our Tereza Novotná commented on the impact of the recent parliamentary elections in the UK on Brexit negotiations.

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iRozhlas: The French are voting again, Macron's movement is leading

In an interview for iRozhlas, our deputy director Martin Michelot commented on the recent second round of parliamentary elections in France. What should we know about the French parliamentary elections, and what impact does it have on the country?

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Martin Michelot's French elections spotlight

Our Deputy Director's takes on the French presidential elections, in chronological order and continuously updated.

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