Navigating the Indo-Pacific: Dealing with Geopolitical and Security Shifts in the Region

We would like to invite you to the in person debate called "Navigating the Indo-Pacific: Dealing with Geopolitical and Security Shifts in the Region" which will be held at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Staroměstké náměstí 4/1, Prague (Room "Minuta") on Friday, March 18 at 15:00.

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Report: EU – Pacific Talks: H2 – Hydrogen Hype

David Plhák wrote a report from the EU - Pacific Talks debate on: H2 - Hydrogen Hype. The debate outlined the current state of the hydrogen economy and its role in the EU, Czech Republic and Japan's efforts to achieve climate neutrality and reduce energy dependence on hydrogen.

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Report: EU – Pacific Talks: H2 – Hydrogen Hype

David Plhák napsal report z debaty EU - Pacific Talks na téma: H2 – Hydrogen Hype. Debata nastínila současný stav vodíkového hospodářství a jeho roli v úsilí o klimatickou neutralitu a snižování energetické závislosti na vodíku EU, Česka a Japonska.

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INVITATION: EU± // The European Union and the multipolar world after the war in Ukraine

We invite you to the next debate in the EU± series, this time on what position the EU will and should take in the emerging multipolar geopolitical order. The debate will take place online via Facebook on Wednesday March 23 at 17:30.

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POZVÁNKA: EU± // Evropská unie a multipolární svět po válce na Ukrajině

Srdečně Vás zveme na další debatu ze série EU±, tentokrát o tom, jakou bude mít EU pozici a jakou pozici by měla zaujmout v nově se formujícím multipolárním geopolitickém uspořádání. Debata proběhne online formou na Facebooku ve středu 23. března od 17:30.

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Rádio Slovensko: Is there a room for diplomatic dialogue with Moscow when missiles are still falling on Ukrainian cities?

Žiga Faktor, a research fellow from our Institute and the head of our Brussels office, together with Irena Jenčová from the Euractiv portal, spoke in a Radio Slovakia discussion about sanctions against Russia, the unacceptable demands of the Kremlin, and the search for a way for Europe to replace Russian gas and oil. Will economic pressure force Moscow to come to the negotiating table and declare a ceasefire in Ukraine? Would not greater diplomatic engagement by the United States or China help?

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Policy Brief: The future of natural gas in the EU

A Policy Brief on the future of natural gas in the European Union was produced during a study visit to the Brussels office of Think Visegrad. The author of the brief, Agata Łoskot-Strachota, focuses on the current market crisis, which has raised questions about the role of gas in the decarbonisation process, as well as the cost and security of supply, and highlights the need for a common gas strategy that is in line with the objectives of the Green Deal, but also responds to short-term challenges.

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Policy Paper: EU’s Transparency and Targeting of Political Advertising: Good Intentions but Clarifications and Amendments still Needed

A Policy Paper on transparency and targeting of political advertising in the EU was produced during a study visit to the Brussels office of Think Visegrad. The author of the paper, Karolína Klingová, focuses on the development of information technologies, including social media platforms with the possibility of micro-targeted campaigns, which have rapidly changed the concept of political communication and electoral campaigning.

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ČRo Plus: Ukraine applies to join the European Union. Is its membership just wishful thinking or is it actually on the agenda?

Our researcher Jana Juzová spoke on Český Rozhlas Plus about Ukraine's application to the European Union, which was submitted last week. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky submitted the application, which was subsequently supported by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and the entire eastern wing of the Union. Is Ukraine's starting position problematic? How likely is it that candidate status will be granted? And which members are traditionally against the enlargement of the Union?

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ČRo Plus: Ukrajina podala přihlášku do Evropské unie. Je její členství jen zbožným přáním, nebo je na pořadu dne?

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Jana Juzová hovořila v relaci Českého rozhlasu Plus o minulý týden podané přihlášce Ukrajiny do Evropské unie. Ukrajinský prezident Volodymyr Zelenskyj podal žádost o přijetí, který byl následně podpořen předsedkyní Evropské komise Ursulou von der Leyen i celým východním křídlem unie. V čem je výchozí pozice Ukrajiny problematická? Jak moc je pravděpodobné, že status kandidátské země bude udělen? A kdo z členů je tradičně proti rozšíření Unie?

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Praha 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552