EKONOM: The sale of electric cars is starting to take off in the bazaars. There are even cheaper than used petrol cars

Based on the analysis of our researcher Michal Hruby on the supply of used cars, an article was written in Týdeník Ekonom. While new electric cars are becoming more and more expensive, this difference is decreasing significantly for used cars.

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INVITATION: Fair and sustainable future of transport and buildings: Outlook for the Czech Presidency

We would like to invite you to a roundtable on "Fair and sustainable future of transport and buildings: Outlook for the Czech Presidency" on 24 May 2022 at 2 pm via the ZOOM platform. The event is organised by Centre for Transport and Energy and EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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POZVÁNKA: Fair and sustainable future of transport and buildings: Outlook for the Czech Presidency

Rádi bychom Vás pozvali ke kulatému stolu na téma "Fair and sustainable future of transport and buildings: Outlook for the Czech Presidency", který se bude konat 24. května 2022 od 14:00 do 16:00 hodin prostřednictvím platformy ZOOM. Organizátory události jsou Centrum pro dopravu a energetiku a Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM.

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Café Evropa in the regions: the future of forests in Vysočina - have we learned from the bark beetle calamity?

We would like to invite you to a debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "The future of forests in Vysočina - have we learned from the bark beetle calamity?". The debate will take place in person, in the Painted Hall, Museum of Vysočina Jihlava and will also be available to watch online on Facebook. Is the situation really so scary and what does the future hold for the forests of the Vysočina region? What is the current state of forest cover in different parts of the Vysočina region? What circumstances and causes have led to the current state - and which ones are man's fault? What are the consequences of the disaster for nature, wildlife and humans? Can any positives be found in the whole situation? Will our relationship with forests and landscapes change in the future?

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Studio ČT24: Abolishing the anti-coronavirus measures in Italy

Our Associate Research, Alexandr Lagazzi, gave an interview to ČT24 on the end of COVID passports in Italy. The liberalization that is now coming to the Mediterranean has not escaped Italy. During the interview, Alexandr Lagazzi mentioned the COVID measures that still apply and also those that are already being abolished. In addition to the measures concerning covid passports, the restrictions on respirators were also mentioned at the interview.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa: 18 years of the Czech Republic in the EU - how has our EU membership matured?

We would like to invite you to another debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "18 years of the Czech Republic in the EU - how has our membership in the European Union grown?". This time the debate will take place in person during Europe Day on Střelecký ostrov in Prague, and will also be streamed on our Facebook page. What are the biggest benefits of the Czech Republic's EU membership? How has the Czech Republic changed since joining the EU and how do you assess its performance in the EU so far? And can the Czech presidency make a major contribution to improving the Czechs' understanding of how the EU works?

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PRESS RELEASE: Reducing transport emissions: the Czech used car market offers affordable cars also in the electric vehicle category

Read the press release prepared by our researcher Michal Hrubý based on an analysis he wrote in collaboration with data analyst Šarlota Smutná from Seznam.cz. The press release describes selected findings and data on the used car and electric car market in the Czech Republic.

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ČRo Radiožurnál: The failure of the right and Janez Janša - Slovenian parliamentary elections

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, gave an interview to ČRo Radiožurnál on the results of the parliamentary elections in Slovenia. Is there a chance for change in Slovenia?

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ČRo PLUS: How are the Slovenian parliamentary elections going?

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, gave an interview for ČRo PLUS about the parliamentary elections in Slovenia and, for example, the role played by Ukraine.

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ČRo: German reaction to the re-election of Emmanuel Macron - a clear pro-European signal

Our Associate Research Fellow, Tereza Novotná, was interviewed by Czech Radio about the French presidential election in which Emmanuel Macron was re-elected and France's position in the European Union.

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