Principles over Security? The Impact of the Upcoming Danish Exit from Europol

Christian Kvorning Lassen focuses in the latest issue of the BRUSSELS MONITOR series on the impact of the Danish exit from Europol.

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Principles over Security? The Impact of the Upcoming Danish Exit from Europol

Christian Kvorning Lassen se v nejnovějším vydání ze série BRUSSELS MONITOR zaměřuje na dopad rozhodnutí Dánska opustit Europol.

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The European Union and Eastern Partnership: Crises and Strategic Assessment

Tomasz Stępniewski, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published an analysis of the EU and Eastern Partnership relations.

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The European Union and Eastern Partnership: Crises and Strategic Assessment

Tomasz Stępniewski vypracoval v rámci projektu Think Visegrad analýzu vztahu Evropské unie a Východního partnerství.

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Review Of The ENP Review: Still The Area Of Security, Stability And Prosperity?

Our Project Manager Nelly Tomčíková analyses the current state of the ‪European‬ ‪Neighbourhood‬ ‪Policy‬ on in her article within the framework of the "The Answer to the Eurasian Challenge for Eastern Europe" project.

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Big Deal about no Big Deal

New blog from our research fellow Zuzana Picková about changes to British membership in the EU negotiated by David Cameron to avoid Brexit.

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EU has a role to play in the Syria Peace Talks II.

Matthieu Crévecoeur continues to analyse the current situation in the Middle East with connection to the suspended peace talks in Genève. He underlines the importance of solidarity and courage which should be demonstrated by the EU in order to make the peace talks successful.

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EU has a role to play in the suspended UN Syria Peace Talks I.

After the suspension of UN Syria Peace Talks with the Syrian government and opposition in Geneva, read what Matthieu Crévecoeur thinks about such a development and its significance for both the role of the EU in the Peace Talks and the Union's need to understand better the regional dynamics.

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French foreign policy has to be reconsidered

In the wake of the November 13 Paris attacks, French president Francois Hollande decided to intensify the French military operations to a level politically and financially unbearable in the long term.

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Denmark to have a referendum on abolishing its opt-out on JHA issues

This Thursday, on December 3, Denmark will have a referendum on whether to replace Denmark's current opt-out option of the EU's Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) with an opt-in model or not.

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