Blog | US Midterms: Consequences for the security of Eastern Europe

The recent US midterm elections made headlines around the world. The main issues that voters were interested in were the state of democracy and the rule of law, abortion, the economy and education. Our intern Tomáš Moudrý addressed these topics in his blog. "The most expensive midterms in the US history are over. Republicans gained the House majority with 221 seats and the Democrats retained the Senate with 51 seats. Is this a surprising result? Partly yes, partly no. Firstly, polls and even Republicans were sure about a “Red wave“ that would sweep across the US. Instead, there was a tossup in both Chambers of the Congress. Secondly, the President’s party usually lose the midterms. One can argue that midterms from the incumbent President’s party perspective traditionally have just one major goal – to mitigate losses by the closest possible margin. The Democrats seem to have found a way to deal with this fate, despite Biden's low approval rating."

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EURACTIV: Companies are interested in decarbonisation but they lack government support and a clear strategy

According to experts, while decarbonisation is costly, without it the costs would be even higher. Our researcher Kateřina Davidová also commented on the topic at EURACTIV's Decarbonisation of the Czech and Slovak Economy 2022 conference.

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EURACTIV.SK | Decarbonising road transport: what will power cars and trucks?

Our research fellow Michal Hrubý was one of the panelists in the discussion on decarbonisation of road transport. Transport is the only sector of the European economy where carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise. Road transport accounts for almost three quarters of total transport emissions.

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ČRo Wave: Korzo Národní welcomed Podhoubí. 17 November as an opportunity to discuss the carbon-free economy

Our senior researcher was a guest on Radio Wave's Podhoubí programme discussing the green economy. This was a podcast form recorded live in front of an audience to mark the 17 November celebrations at Korzo Národní.

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Job Offer: Research Fellow in Green Europe Programme

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy is looking for a Research Fellow in Green Europe Programme. For more information, including requirements, please see the attached PDF.

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Výběrové řízení: Research Fellow in Green Europe Programme

Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM hledá do svých řad výzkumného pracovníka / výzkumnou pracovnici pro náš program Green Europe. Více informací včetně požadavků naleznete v přiloženém PDF.

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INVITATION: EU± // Germany's position on the Russian war in Ukraine

We would like to invite you to the next debate in the EU± series, this time on the topic "Germany's position on the Russian war in Ukraine". How does German aid to Ukraine compare to other allies? What is the content of the German Zeitenwende? How will the change in Germany's approach to foreign policy translate into European foreign and security policy? Can Germany be expected to lead on security issues as it does in economy?

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INVITATION: EU± // Digital Agenda for Europe

We would like to invite you to the next debate in the EU± series, this time on the topic of "The European Digital Agenda". How to reconcile consumer protection and support for the development of the digital economy? Is the European Union ready for the digital age? And what impact will the newly adopted Digital Services and Markets Acts have on our digital future? To what extent will the digital economy be part of the Czech EU Presidency? Which specific legislative proposals will the Czech Republic be responsible for and what effect should these proposals have in the future?

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Invitation: EU±// Energy crisis in the European Union

We invite you to the next debate in the EU± series, this time on the topic "The energy crisis in the European Union".

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Background paper Think Tank Forum | Green agenda in the Western Balkans

Researcher Michal Hrubý prepared a background paper on the Green Agenda in the Western Balkans in the framework of the Think Tank Forum held in the first half of October 2022. In the paper, he discusses the role of the Green Agenda itself and its future. Indeed, the so-called Green Deal is the cornerstone of the EU's climate agenda, and the Western Balkans has declared the importance of this agreement by signing the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB) in 2011.

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