Visegrad Insight Podcast: Zlehčují Češi nebo Slováci předsednictví V4?

Naše seniorní výzkumná pracovnice Jana Juzová byla hostem v podcastu pořádaný redakcí Visegrad Insight, kde se zabývá zahájením českého předsednictví EU a slovenského předsednictví v rámci Visegrádské skupiny.

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CC Weekly: A green Europe. Combustion engines should be phased out after 2035

Michal Hrubý, a Research Fellow at EUROPEUM, talks about the Fit for 55 package and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 in the Czechcrunch Weekly podcast.

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CC Weekly: Evropa ekologická. Po roce 2035 by se měly přestat vyrábět spalovací motory

Michal Hrubý, výzkumný pracovník Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, si v podcastu Czechcrunch Weekly povídá o balíčku Fit for 55 a dosažení uhlíkové neutrality do roku 2050.

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DW: Czech Republic takes over rotating European presidency

The Czech Republic has taken over the rotating presidency of the European council. It has vowed to focus largely on aid to Ukraine and the war's repercussions. Žiga Faktor, the head of our Brussels office talked in a brief interview with DW. Žiga Faktor finds the Czech Republic a perfect fit for trying to find a consensus on the situation and the position towards Russia.

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DW: Česká republika přebírá rotující evropské předsednictví

Česká republika převzala rotující předsednictví. Přislíbila, že se zaměří především na pomoc Ukrajině a na důsledky války. V krátkém rozhovoru pro DW hovořil Žiga Faktor, vedoucí naší bruselské kanceláře. Žiga Faktor považuje Českou republiku za ideální pro pokus o nalezení konsensu o současné situaci a postoji k Rusku.

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Deník N: An explosive passenger is already waiting for the Czech train driver: how we will drive the EU legislative train

Our senior researchers Kateřina Davidová and Vít Havelka provided comments for an article in Deník N on what the government is facing and what role the presiding state has in the development of EU legislation.

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Blisty: Rozhovor Britských listů 505. Are the Visegrad Four irrevocably discredited?

The head of our Brussels office Žiga Faktor gave an interview to the British Gazette. In the interview they compare how the Czech Republic and Slovenia are dealing with the legacy of populist governments.

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iDnes: Czech sounds through Brussels. Spejbl and Hurvínek will be there with the Presidency

The Czech Republic will sit on the EU Council for the second time in July. Thanks to the presidency and the growing number of visiting diplomats, the Czech language is spreading through Brussels more than usual, so you can hear "ahoj" or "rád tě vidím" here and there in the streets, writes Žiga Faktor in his commentary for

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iDnes: Have you banned combustion engines? Tax electric cars and abolish subsidies, Focus urges

Our research fellow Michal Hrubý is quoted in an article by, which reports on the wave of emotions among motorists brought about by the recent approval of a ban on the sale of new cars and light commercial vehicles with internal combustion engines by the European Parliament. The German magazine Focus has come up with a series of proposals for politicians in this context, dominated by the message: 'There is no reason to subsidise electric cars, but rather to tax them'.

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ČRo Plus: Czech Presidency Agenda

What of the Czech priorities can be achieved and what will be the biggest problem? Is there anything missing to reach a consensus among Member States on gas purchases? Our Senior Research Fellow Vít Havelka was a guest on Czech Radio Plus's Topic of the Day.

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