EU has a role to play in the Syria Peace Talks II.

Matthieu Crévecoeur continues to analyse the current situation in the Middle East with connection to the suspended peace talks in Genève. He underlines the importance of solidarity and courage which should be demonstrated by the EU in order to make the peace talks successful.

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Refugees in Europe - how (don't) we resolve this issue?

The Representation of the European Commission and the Information Office of the European Parliament in the Czech Republic in co-operation with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy are organizing a seminar for broad public "Refugees in Europe - how (don't) we resolve this issue?".

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Studio 6: Slovenian candidate hasn't shown her qualification and she nominated herself

EUROPEUM's director Vladimir Bartovic for ČT.

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Panel discussion ‘The role of the EU and the Czech Republic in the Western Balkans: Perspectives on the Enlargement process’

EUROPEUM is co-organizing a panel discussion focusing on the role of the Czech Republic in potential enlargement of the EU to the Western Balkans.

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Panelová diskuze "The role of the EU and the Czech Republic in the Western Balkans: Perspectives on the Enlargement process"

EUROPEUM je spolupořadatelem panelové diskuse, která se bude věnovat roli České republiky v potencionálním rozšiřování EU o země západního Balkánu.

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Diverging Voices, Converging Policies: The Visegrad States’ Reactions to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy is one of the authors of the document commissioned by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung offices in Prague and Warsaw about the differing reactions of individual Visegrad countries on the Russia-Ukraine Conflict.

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Better Regulation Agenda - Better Deal for European Industry and Businesses? A view from the Central European Perspective

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy is one of the organizers of this breakfast roundtable which will bring together representatives of businesses, governments and EU institutions, to debate about priorities of the EU Better Regulation Agenda in the year ahead while considering interests of the EU Central and Eastern European Member States.

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Seminar: How to understand the program of the new European Commission?

The Representation of the European Commission and European Parliament Information Office in cooperation with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy organize another one of the regular Wednesday's seminars.

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EU and Russia - partners or rivals?

Seminar with the title "EU and Russia - partners or rivals?".

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European Summer School 2015 – “Challenges for Europe” Report

You can now read summary of the thirteenth European Summer School which took place last July.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Praha 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552