Aktuálně.cz: A historic event, but also a weak patch for Ukraine, experts comment on the European summit

Statesmen from all over Europe gathered in Prague for the first ever meeting of the European Political Community. The summit is being held as part of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union and is one of the largest the Czech Republic has ever experienced. The extent to which the meeting is a bringing non-member states to joining the EU is also being debated. Martin Vokálek, our Executive Director, commented on the summit and the expectations associated with it for Aktuálně.cz, stressing its importance as a platform for discussion.

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E15: Macron's European Political Community can help in the energy crisis

What will the first meeting of the European Political Community bring? Will it be possible for the Community to function without formal processes and institutions? And will the meetings have any real results? Representatives from more than 40 countries, including non-EU countries, gathered at Prague Castle to discuss the most important issues of the day. An article for E15 was written by Žiga Faktor, head of our Brussels office.

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iDNES.cz: Why is the whole of Europe meeting at the Castle? A six-point summit

What can be expected from the ongoing Prague Summit? What does the meeting of politicians mean and what will it lead to? Prague as European Capital, New European Political Community, Security, No Formalities, Czech Presidency, Gas and Electricity - the six points cover all the most important topics that should be discussed during the meeting. The article is co-authored by our Brussels office manager Žiga Faktor.

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ČRo Plus: Prime Minister Petr Fiala will welcome leaders of more than 40 European countries to Prague Castle. What will they discuss? And what this event means?

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented on the morning broadcast of Czech Radio Plus on the upcoming Prague summit of EU leaders. What to expect and what topics could be discussed? And how do summits held in member states differ from those in Brussels?

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National Convention on the EU | Recommendation: Strategic Compass

On Wednesday 21 September 2022, the National Convention on the EU took place. The roundtable featured three recommendations, which were formulated by our office and project manager Alexandra Ilkova together with our researcher Danielle Piatkiewicz. The convention produced three recommendations by answering the following questions: How will the implementation of the Strategic Compass contribute to shaping the EU's defence capabilities and how can the EU Strategic Compass and the NATO Strategic Concept make the EU a stronger and more capable guarantor of security? How will the Strategic Compass address current and emerging security threats within the strategic areas of competence? What can CZ PRES achieve in the implementation of the Strategic Compass?

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ČRo: What is the energy situation in our country and in the world? How will the government strategy evolve here and in European countries? What about the world

The International Energy Agency said in its quarterly report that Europe will face unprecedented risks regarding Russian supplies and may be forced to compete with Asia for liquefied natural gas. Our research fellow Michal Hrubý discussed the European situation, including the Czech situation in this global context, with Martina Mašková.

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WNP.PL: From price freezes to temperature limits. Here's how Europe is tackling the energy crisis.

The energy crisis is forcing European governments to reduce energy consumption, but also to introduce mechanisms to protect consumers from rising heat and electricity prices. Our research fellow Michal Hrubý commented on the situation in the EU. "The Czech Republic and Italy are trying to diversify their gas supplies but have not yet decided on radical measures to reduce consumption. " "France has a problem with an ageing fleet of nuclear power stations and may not have enough electricity this winter. " "The French government, like the Czech Republic, has introduced a price cap on household energy bills and has decided to compensate the poorest households with a cost of between €100 and €200. "

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BLOG | How do Czech and Slovak governmental parties perceive the EU's green deal? Online monitoring of Facebook posts

Tatiana Mindeková, our project manager and junior researcher, wrote a blog named “How do Czech and Slovak governmental parties perceive the EU Green Deal? Online monitoring of Facebook posts”. In this blog, Tatiana analysed approaches of Czech and Slovak parliamentary parties to the European Green Deal and identified whether the parties and their representatives are supportive or critical towards it.

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BLOG | How do Czech and Slovak governmental parties perceive the EU's green deal? Online monitoring of Facebook posts

Tatiana Mindeková, naše projektová manažerka a juniorní výzkumná pracovnice, napsala blog na téma: Jak vnímají české a slovenské vládní strany zelenou dohodu EU? Online monitoring facebookových příspěvků. V tomto blogu Tatiana zanalyzovala přístupy českých a slovenských vlád k Zelené dohodě a identifikovala, zda jsou vládní postoje k dohodě kritické, anebo jí podporují.

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INVITATION | Café Evropa online: 35 years with the Erasmus programme - why is it worth going abroad for an experience?

We invite you to an online debate as part of the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "35 years with Erasmus - why is it worth it to go abroad for an experience?" The debate will take place on Thursday 13 October at 17:30 online on our Facebook page.

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