INVITATION | Serbia’s EU integration process: A long and rocky road

We would like to invite you for a public discussion and screening of a documentary on Serbia’s EU integration process. The debate will take place on Monday 19 December, 15:30 - 17:30; at Impact Hub D10 in Prague.

Zjistit více Czech Republic is in crisis, yet households waste energy. What to do if you want to save money

Our research fellow Michal Hrubý commented on the energy crisis for

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Hate Free Culture: The Czechs also advocated for a ban on cage breeding. European Citizens' Initiative allows citizens to co-shape the future of the EU.

Our communications manager Barbora Genser, ambassador for the European Citizens' Initiative, spoke to Hate Free Culture about the European Citizens' Initiative.

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EURACTIV: Companies are interested in decarbonisation but they lack government support and a clear strategy

According to experts, while decarbonisation is costly, without it the costs would be even higher. Our researcher Kateřina Davidová also commented on the topic at EURACTIV's Decarbonisation of the Czech and Slovak Economy 2022 conference.

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Stačí málo: By turning down the heating by 1°C, we can save significantly

Our researcher Michal Hrubý was a guest on the podcast Stačí málo, presented by Generali Česká pojišt'ovna. He answered questions about the energy sector and the energy crisis. In the podcast you will learn, among other things, how to manage energy efficiently in households and what mistakes to avoid if you want to save money on energy.

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INVITATION | Café Evropa online: Russian war in Ukraine - is European support for Ukraine sufficient?

We invite you to an online debate as part of the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Russian war in Ukraine - is European support for Ukraine sufficient?" The debate will take place on Wednesday 7 December at 17:30 online on our Facebook page.

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Decarbonization of the Industrial Sector: Sustainable Finance as an Opportunity?

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy partnered up with the institutions from the Visegrad Group countries and now leads the project consortium. The main objective of the project is to identify priority policies that will enable the decarbonisation of heavy industry in a way that is consistent with the commitments of the Visegrad Four countries to limit future global warming to 1.5 °C. To reach this objective, partners conduct original research and engage the local stakeholders.

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INVITATION: Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe

We sincerely invite you to a debate entitled "Strategic partnership for a secure and digital Europe", hosted by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, The Centre for European Perspective and the Atlantic Council. The debate will take place on November 23 at 8:45 a.m. at the American Center and will also be streamed online.

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INVITATION | Café Evropa: Disinformation - who spreads it and why?

We would like to invite you to another debate in the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Disinformation - who spreads it and why?" The debate will take place on 7 November at 17:30 online on our Facebook page.

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RTVS: European Parliament: Russia is a state sponsor of terrorism

Following the Russian attacks on civilians in Ukraine, the European Parliament has designated Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. What does this declaration mean in practice and what does it mean for member states? Our Executive Director Martin Vokálek commented on this matter for Slovak RTVS.

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