ČRo Plus: EU Parliament approves major part of climate package

At its meeting on Tuesday, the European Parliament approved key parts of the climate package, including the reform of the emissions trading scheme. The climate package aims to reduce emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. Our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová explained the situation for ČRo Plus.

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ČRo Plus: Europoslanci schválili významnou část klimatického balíku

Evropský parlament na svém úterním zasedání schválil klíčové části tzv. klimatického balíčku včetně reformy systému emisních povolenek. Cílem klimatického balíčku je snížit do roku 2030 emise o 55 % oproti úrovni z roku 1990. Pro ČRo Plus situaci přiblížila naše seniorní výzkumná pracovnice Kateřina Davidová.

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POZVÁNKA | Café Evropa online: Budoucnost energetiky v Česku - jak dále snižovat závislost na fosilních palivech?

Zveme vás na další debatu v rámci cyklu Café Evropa, tentokrát na téma: "Budoucnost energetiky v Česku - jak dále snižovat závislost na fosilních palivech?". Debata se bude konat v pondělí 24. dubna v 17:30 online na naší Facebookové stránce.

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Policy Paper | 2022 Czech Presidency: A Surprising Success

The second-ever Czech presidency of the EU Council took place in the second half of 2022, a period in which the EU was under considerable pressure following the Russian invasion in Ukraine. What many predicted would be another regular presidency, became half a year of crisis management. Writes Vít Havelka in his Policy Paper called: 2022 Czech Presidency: A Surprising Success.

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BLOG | Injecting the objectives of the European Green Deal into the EU’s Arctic strategy

As noted in previous posts, the Arctic has received considerable attention in the past decade due to climate change, economic opportunities, and the growing military presence in the region. As a result of this trend, shifts in Arctic security dynamics are occurring. What is the future role of the EU in this changing geopolitical environment? Zsanett Gréta Papp asks this question in her blog.

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BLOG | Injecting the objectives of the European Green Deal into the EU’s Arctic strategy

Jak bylo uvedeno v předchozích příspěvcích, Arktidě byla v posledním desetiletí věnována značná pozornost v souvislosti se změnou klimatu, ekonomickými příležitostmi a rostoucí vojenskou přítomností v regionu. V důsledku této tendence dochází k posunům v arktické bezpečnostní dynamice. Jaká je budoucí role EU v tomto měnícím se geopolitickém prostředí? Na tuto otázku se ptá Zsanett Gréta Papp ve svém blogu.

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Windsor framework and future EU-UK relations: Could personal diplomacy be the driving engine?

The United Kingdom has finally found common ground with the EU regarding the provisions of the Northern Ireland Protocol. The current British prime minister can take credit for what three prime ministers failed to do before. So does Britain's foreign policy stand on a shoulder of one man's personal connections? The question answered our Katřina Horáková in her blog.

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RTVS: Former Kosovo army leadership on trial in The Hague

Our researcher Jana Juzová told RTVS why former Kosovo president Hashim Thaçi is standing trial in The Hague. The indictment of the special Hague tribunal accuses him of committing several crimes during the war for independence.

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Fórum sociální politiky: Climate policy after a year of energy crisis

Our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová focused on developments in energy and climate policy over the past year, defined by the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and rising inflation.

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POLICY PAPER | Resilience building in the V4 against disinformation about the Russian-Ukrainian war

The Visegrad countries are facing enormous Russian disinformation pressure aimed at breaking popular support for aid to Ukraine. If Ukraine were to lose Western support, it would most likely lose the war, which is why Russian disinformation aims to end this support. Writes Dorka Takatsy in her policy paper.

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