In Search of a New Political Culture

Christian Kvorning Lassen explores, in his latest blog, the future of political culture as the Western world approaches 2017 with a polarized society and uncertain outcomes of elections in Europe.

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France24: It's a family affair: France 2017 frontrunner Fillon denies phoney job claim

Our Martin Michelot discussed the implications of Fillon's family affair on France 24's daily debate.

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German Marshall Fund: What to Watch in 2017

Our Deputy Director Martin Michelot featured, among other experts, in the ''GMF Experts Name the Issues That Will Define the Year'' with his contribution ''France: Navel-Gazing Has Just Begun''.

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German Marshall Fund: What to Watch in 2017

Náš Martin Michelot přispěl, společně s dalšími experty, k publikaci ''GMF Experts Name the Issues That Will Define the Year'' s příspěvkem o francouzkých prezidentských volbách pod názvem ''France: Navel-Gazing Has Just Begun''.

Zjistit více Summit will mark an end to the Slovak EU presidency

Our director Vladimir Bartovic commented for Pravda on the Slovak EU presidency that is slowly coming to an end.

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How to make Trump comply with climate change regulations (using his own policy)

In her blog, Kateřina Davidová analyzes the impact of Trump's victory in the US presidential elections on the future of the Paris Agreement.

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Local Elections in Ukraine: Blurring the Dividing Lines

Oleksii Sydorchuk analyses in his blog the first local elections in Ukraine since the events of the Euromaidan.

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Local Elections in Ukraine: Blurring the Dividing Lines

Blog by Oleksii Sydorchuk addresses the first post-Euromaidan local elections in Ukraine.

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RTVS: Angela's Merkel candidacy

Our researcher Michal Vít commented for RTVS on the possible candidacy of Angela Merkel in the upcoming parliamentary elections in Germany.

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Café Evropa: Contest for the White House – what awaits us after the US presidential elections?

The report and a video footage from the debate ''Contest for the White House - what awaits us after the US presidential elections?'' that took place on Wednesday, October 26, are now available.

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