Komentář: Zasedání Evropské rady v říjnu 2019

Zasedání Evropské rady v říjnu 2019 přineslo několik překvapení. Přečtěte si vyjádření našich expertů k dalšímu vývoji ohledně brexitu, rozšiřování EU nebo boji s klimatickou změnou. Odpovídali Christian Kvorning Lassen, Kateřina Davidová, Jana Juzová, Zuzana Stuchlíková, Louis Cox-Brusseau a Martin Michelot.

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RCF: European Parliament hearing - Democracy in action?

Our Martin Michelot was a guest of the French radio station Radio chrétienne francophone. He analyzed the so-called grilling, during which MEPs question future European Commissioners.

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Future Leaders Europe Evening Talks 2019

Applications to our second edition of FLEET are now opened!

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Future Leaders Europe Evening Talks 2019

Přihlašování na druhý ročník projektu FLEET je nyní spuštěno!

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INVITATION: Café Evropa in the regions – Jičín: EU in the eyes of Czechs

We would like to invite you to the next Café Evropa in the regions debate, this time in Jičín. The event will take place in Knihovna Václava Čtvrtka v Jičíně on Monday, November 25 from 5 PM.

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Aktuálně: Jourová made it through hearings and was approved by MEPs from Brussels.

In her five years as European Commissioner, Věra Jourová has learned a lot. Monday's three-hour marathon of MEPs questions, the so-called barbecue, she managed calmly, sometimes she even joked. MEPs rewarded her performance with unanimous approval, Aktualne.cz and HN confirmed a source close to the Commissioner. The hearing is a condition for future Commissioners to be able to actually take over their portfolios from November.

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ČT24: Jourová's grilling by European Parliament

Our Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of Czech Television, where he commented on Věra Jourová's upcoming grilling by European Parliament.

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iROZHLAS.cz: Jourová awaits MEP test. 'She can't avoid questions about Babiš, but they won't damage her,' says EU expert

Our Zuzana stuchlíková talked to the iROZHLAS.cz news site about Czech Commissioner candidate Věra Jourová ahead of her Monday hearing in the European Parliament.

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INVITATION: The Visegrad Four and Germany: which shared priorities in the next Commission?

We are honoured to invite you to a debate organized by our Brussels office titled 'The Visegrad Four and Germany: which shared priorities in the next Commission?' The event will take place at Fondation Universitaire in Brussels on October 16. You can look forward to 4 expert speakers, including one MEP. Read the whole article to find out their names and get more information.

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INVITATION: EU ± // What to expect from the new European Commission?

At the beginning of November, the new European Commission under the leadership of Urschula von der Layen will take office. It is, therefore, appropriate to discuss what can be expected of the new College and how the new Commission will differ from the old.

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