INVITATION: Czech EU Presidency - what promotional events are planned?

We invite you to a debate entitled "Czech EU Presidency - what promotional events are planned?" The debate will take place on Thursday 2 December at 17:30.

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Evaluating Transatlantic Relations – For better or for worse?

Our Research Fellow Danielle Piatkiewicz and Project Manager Alexandra Visnerova wrote a background paper under the Transatlantic Policy Forum in which they evaluate the new transatlantic agenda and goals of both EU and the US and assess how the two sides can work closer together to tackle geopolitical challengers, align on security, trade, climate, and digital policies. The paper offers recommendations on how to strengthen the transatlantic relationship, with special emphasis placed on the Central and Eastern European region.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: The adoption of the euro in the Czech Republic - when will be the right time?

By joining the EU, Czechia has committed itself, among other things, to adopt the common European currency - the euro. However, this commitment is not specified in time. Not only whether Czechia is ready for the introduction of the euro will be another of the Café Evropa debates. The debate will take place on Monday 6.12. from 17:30 online on our Facebook.

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INVITATION: 30 Years of Visegrad: Role of the V4 countries in shaping the future of the EU

We would like to invite you to a conference titled "30 Years of Visegrad: Role of the V4 countries in shaping the future of the EU". The debate will take place on Monday, 22nd of November 2021 starting from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. The event will take place in Brussels and will be live-streamed online.

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RECOMMENDATION: National Convention on the EU: Programme of the Presidency Trio France - Czech Republic - Sweden

We bring you a summary and recommendations resulting from the roundtable discussion of the National Convention on the EU held on 1 October 2021. The recommendations were prepared by Zuzana Kasáková.

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Aktuálně.cz: How will the future government approach the V4? Petr Fiala will be under pressure from several sides

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented for Aktuálně.cz on the future attitude of the newly formed coalition towards the Visegrad Four.

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Aktuálně.cz: Jak budoucí vláda přistoupí k V4? Petr Fiala bude pod tlakem z několika stran

Vedoucí naší bruselské kanceláře, Žiga Faktor, komentoval pro server Aktuálně.cz budoucí postoj nově vznikající koalice k Visegrádské čtyřce.

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POZVÁNKA: Pozice Česka v EU po volbách – jakým směrem se bude ubírat?

Česko po nedávných volbách povede nová vláda. Ta bude muset čelit domácím výzvám, jako je vysoká inflace a rychle rostoucí státní dluh, přechod na nízkouhlíkové hospodářství či otázka dostupného bydlení. Zároveň však českou vládu čeká i mnoho důležitých otázek s evropským přesahem.

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iRozhlas: The new government means the end of the leaning towards Orbán, but not a radical change. The EU presidency will be crucial

In an article for iRozhlas, our researcher Vít Havelka contributed an analysis of European politics in the context of the new government, the Visegrad Group and the upcoming EU presidency. In his opinion, there will be a radical change in the rhetoric and the way of negotiation on the European stage, but we cannot expect big differences in the Czech vote.

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Energie bez emisí: Jak promění bezemisní ekonomika český průmysl a dopravu?

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Kateřina Davidová vystoupila v pořadu Energie bez emisí, kde mluvila o tom, jak nejlépe můžeme českému průmyslu pomoci s transformací i přesto, že tuzemské firmy jsou k přechodu na bezemisní ekonomiku spíše skeptické.

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