REPORT: Serbia's road to EU membership: Challenges and Opportunities?

In cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Czech Republic we organized a lecture on Serbia's road to EU membership held by Tanja Miščević – Head of the Negotiating Team for the Accession of Serbia to the EU. The report is now available.

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REPORT: Serbia's road to EU membership: Challenges and Opportunities?

Ve spolupráci s Velvyslanectvím Srbské republiky v Praze jsme pořádali 26. června 2017 přednášku na téma srbského přistoupení do EU s Tanjou Miščević – Vedoucí vyjednávacího týmu pro vstup Srbska do EU. Report je nyní k dispozici.

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Foreign Policy: Likely Next Czech Prime Minister Will Get Along Great With Trump

In an interview for Foreign Policy, our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on Sobotka's recent attempt to tender the resignation of his entire coalition government.

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Foreign Policy: Likely Next Czech Prime Minister Will Get Along Great With Trump

Náš ředitel Vladimír Bartovic pro Foreign Policy komentoval nedávné oznámení premiéra Bohuslava Sobotky o demisi koaličního kabinetu - tedy kroku, namířeného proti ministrovi financí Andreji Babišovi.

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The Cipher Brief: Emmanuel Macron: More of the Same?

Our Martin Michelot authored an article on The Cipher Brief in which he explores the stances of Emmanuel Macron in terms of France's defence & security policy and NATO membership.

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The Cipher Brief: Emmanuel Macron: More of the Same?

Náš Martin Michelot napsal článek pro The Cipher Brief o Emmanuelovi Macronovi, ve kterém v rámci druhého kola francouzských prezidentských voleb analyzuje jeho postoj vůči bezpečnosti, obraně a NATO.

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What price do Serbia and Macedonia have to pay to save the EU?

Michal Vít analyses, in his latest policy paper, the state of EU cooperation with Serbia and Macedonia after the closing of the Balkan route, with focus on the role of the Czech Republic within the negotiations.

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Newsletter DEMAS 1/2017

Take a look at what’s new in the field of non-profit organizations gathered under DEMAS association.

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Zpravodaj DEMAS 1/2017

Prohlédněte si, co je nového na poli neziskových organizací sdružujících se pod asociací DEMAS.

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Future Leaders Europe Evening Talks

Applications to our pilot edition of FLEET are now opened!

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