REPORT: Prague Climate Talks: The future of coal in Central Europe

On Thursday 19th April, 2018, we organized the fourth event from our project Prague Climate Talks: The future of coal in Central Europe. The report is now available.

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REPORT: Prague Climate Talks: Budoucnost uhlí ve střední Evropě

Ve čtvrtek 19. dubna 2018 se konala čtvrtá diskuze z projektu Prague Climate Talks: "Budoucnost uhlí ve střední Evropě", ze které nyní přinášíme report.

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Czechs say NO to referenda on foreign affairs

Our Vít Havelka explores the results of the Czech Academy of Sciences' study on Czech attitudes towards direct democracy.

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Café Evropa in regions - Jihlava: Presidential elections 2018

We would like to invite you to the public debate that is part of the series Café Evropa, which will take place in Jihlava. Jakub Charvát and Jan Kubáček will discuss the presidential election in 2018 and the division in Czech society.

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HN: You are Europe - Czechs are not very interested in the EU, yet they are the most critical of it

Czechs are by far the most critical of all Central European countries. While in Hungary only 9 percent of people are in favor of leaving the EU, 34 percent is in Czech Republic.

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Poland at the crossroads?

Our Lucie Horáčková in her newest blog deals with the issue of the reforms enforced in Poland by the Law and Justice Party since 2015.

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REPORT: Europe without borders: Internal market challenges seen from Prague

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková prepared a report from the debate dealing with the internal market challenges within the European Union, which took place on November 8th 2017 in Brussels.

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Looking for the cause of Czech euroscepticism? Go back to school

Our Adi Muhovic explores, in his latest blog following the results of the parliamentary elections, the cause(s) of Czech euroscepticism.

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Catalonian independence – a dilemma for Spain, but also for Europe

Miroslava Pěčková analyses, in her new blog, the situation of Catalonia's autonomy and relations with Spain.

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Tisková zpráva: Enormní zájem o chystanou debatu Café Evropa o mediálním obrazu EU

Tři čtvrtiny mladých Čechů a stejný podíl velkých podnikatelů podporují setrvání ČR v Evropské unii a vidí přínosy členství pozitivně. Zbytek republiky je vůči Unii vyhraněn odmítavě.

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