POLICY PAPER: Identifying the EU’s weaknesses in foreign and defence policy: the struggle to become a more effective global actor

Adrian Blazquez's latest policy paper deals with the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). More precisely, he focuses on the aspects of unanimous and qualified majority voting, international security commitments, and common strategic culture of the EU.

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POLICY PAPER: Slabiny zahraniční a obranné politiky EU: úsilí stát se efektivním globálním hráčem

Adrian Blazquez se v posledním policy paperu věnuje zahraniční a obranné politice EU. Zaměřuje se na aspekty jednohlasného a většinového hlasování, mezinárodních závazků a společné strategické kultury EU.

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Czech Interests in the EU

In May 2020, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, in cooperation with the STEM Institute of Empirical Research (project initiator), the Association for International Affairs (AMO) and Europe in Data portal, launched the Czech Interests in the EU project. It aims to explain to the Czech public how Czechs influence politics in Europe, and to examine whether politicians in Europe really promote Czech interests.

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The Double Crisis in Kosovo: COVID-19 as a Veil for Power Struggles

Kosovo, the coronavirus crisis and the political crisis: these are the topics of our Jana Juzová's latest blog article.

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Dvojitá krize v Kosovu: COVID-19 jako zástěrka mocenských bojů

Kosovo, koronavirová krize a krize politická: těmto tématům se ve svém nejnovější blogu věnuje naše Jana Juzová.

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China is Successfully Changing the Narratives on COVID–19

Our intern Kristýna Kšírová writes a blog about China and its behaviour towards COVID–19.

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EU MONITOR: European Sovereignty in Central Europe Ahead of the Conference on the Future of Europe

Piotr Maciej Kaczyński authored an EU Monitor on the European Sovereignty in Central Europe Ahead of the Conference on the Future of Europe

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EU MONITOR: European Sovereignty in Central Europe Ahead of the Conference on the Future of Europe

Piotr Maciej Kaczyński publikoval monitor, ve kterém se zabývá otázkou evropské suverenity ve střední Evropě před konferencí o budoucnosti Evropy.

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National Convention on EU Affairs: Directly managed programs and other instruments within the new Multiannual Financial Framework as an opportunity for Czech in

The National Convention on EU Affairs will take place on November 22 at the Lichtenštejn Palace. The topic of the round table debate will be directly managed programs and other instruments within the new Multiannual Financial Framework as an opportunity for Czech interests

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POLICY PAPER: Europe can spearhead a new cycle in transatlantic relations, not President Trump

Our Martin Michelot authored a new policy paper on the transatlantic relations as part of our project Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF).

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