Discussing Ukraine in V4 mainstream media: The future vis-à-vis European integration

The project assesses the production, distribution and consumption of news on Ukraine’s future vis-a-vis European integration by the V4 mainstream media. The aim is to designate both dominant and marginalized narratives, while also analyzing their impact via focus groups. The findings will be presented to stakeholders in order to improve reporting and increase the audiences’ access to information.

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Voxpot: Will we let Ukraine bite piece of our pie? The grain dispute is the first indication of her thorny journey to the EU

At least until next summer, Ukrainian grain will continue to flow duty-free to the European market. The agreement reached by the EU with the member countries thus lifted the ban lasting several weeks. Despite the averted crisis, however, it became fully apparent how fragile the vision of Ukraine's future accession to the Union is and what challenges await it on this path. This is how Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office, begins his commentary for Voxpot.

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National Convention on the EU | Background paper: reaction to the US Inflation Reduction Act

Kateřina Davidová and Tereza Novotná prepared a background paper for the Round Table of the National Convention on the EU on Reactions to the US Inflation Reduction Act. Three main questions are put to the Roundtable: What impact can the IRA have on Transatlantic relations and free trade in general, and how should the EU try to actively shape these relations? How can the EU ensure the competitiveness and strengthen the productivity of its industry in the future and promote the development of EU produced green technologies? How will the changes affect the Czech Republic directly and how should the Czech Republic proceed within the EU to avoid being left behind in the "green race"? Which specific climate-neutral (net-zero) industrial sectors should the Czech Republic focus on?

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National Convention on the EU | Recommendations: Energy market review

Our Senior Research Fellow Vít Havelka elaborated recommendations resulting from the roundtable discussion of the National Convention on the EU held on 31 March 2023 on the topic "Energy Market Review". Among the recommendations made for the Czech Republic are, for example, to define its energy concept well in the light of the regional context and European energy policy. Another recommendation is that the Czech Republic should continue to incentivise energy savings as a key part of its preparedness for next winter, in line with the extension of the Regulation on coordinated measures to reduce gas demand.

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Policy Paper | 2022 Czech Presidency: A Surprising Success

The second-ever Czech presidency of the EU Council took place in the second half of 2022, a period in which the EU was under considerable pressure following the Russian invasion in Ukraine. What many predicted would be another regular presidency, became half a year of crisis management. Writes Vít Havelka in his Policy Paper called: 2022 Czech Presidency: A Surprising Success.

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Policy Paper | 2022 České předsednictví: Překvapivý úspěch

Historicky druhé české předsednictví v Radě EU se uskutečnilo v druhé polovině roku 2022, tedy v období, kdy byla EU pod značným tlakem v důsledku ruské invaze na Ukrajině. Z toho, co mnozí předpovídali jako další řádné předsednictví, se stal půlrok krizového řízení. Píše Vít Havelka ve svém Policy paperu nazvaném: České předsednictví 2022: Překvapivý úspěch.

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BLOG | Injecting the objectives of the European Green Deal into the EU’s Arctic strategy

As noted in previous posts, the Arctic has received considerable attention in the past decade due to climate change, economic opportunities, and the growing military presence in the region. As a result of this trend, shifts in Arctic security dynamics are occurring. What is the future role of the EU in this changing geopolitical environment? Zsanett Gréta Papp asks this question in her blog.

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Blog | European Minimum Wage Proposal: What does it mean?

Ensuring that workers in the Union receive an adequate minimum wage is essential to ensure adequate working and living conditions and to build a fair and resilient society, as set out in Principle 6 of the European Pillar of Social Rights. Leonor Tavarez writes in her blog.

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Blog | European Minimum Wage Proposal: What does it mean?

Zajištění toho, aby pracovníci v Unii pobírali odpovídající minimální mzdu, je zásadní pro zajištění přiměřených pracovních a životních podmínek, jakož i pro budování spravedlivé a odolné společnosti, jak je stanoveno v zásadě 6 Evropského pilíře sociálních práv. Píše ve svém blogu Leonor Tavarez.

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Windsor framework and future EU-UK relations: Could personal diplomacy be the driving engine?

The United Kingdom has finally found common ground with the EU regarding the provisions of the Northern Ireland Protocol. The current British prime minister can take credit for what three prime ministers failed to do before. So does Britain's foreign policy stand on a shoulder of one man's personal connections? The question answered our Katřina Horáková in her blog.

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