POZVÁNKA: Security in Europe from a Visegrád viewpoint: strengthening fundamentals, but rethinking perspectives?

Ve spolupráci s Centre for European Policy Studies a European Policy Institutes Network pořádáme 9. prosince 2016 mezinárodní konferenci v rámci projektu Think Visegrad in Brussels.

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INVITATION: "The Visegrad Contribution to the EU Digital Single Market" Brussels Conference

On 30 November, we co-organize the conference titled The Visegrad Contribution to the EU Digital Single Market at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union.

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POZVÁNKA: Konference "The Visegrad Contribution to the EU Digital Single Market" v Bruselu

Dne 30. listopadu proběhne na půdě Stálého zastoupení Polské republiky při EU konference spolupořádaná Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM na téma The Visegrad Contribution to the EU Digital Single Market.

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Joint Solutions for Common Challenges in Central Europe: Cross-Border Cooperation in the Refugee Crisis

Our Research Fellows Christian Kvorning Lassen and Kateřina Davidová participated on the project called "Joint Solutions for Common Challenges in Central Europe: Cross-Border Cooperation in the Refugee Crisis" organised by Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik (ÖGfE).

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Joint Solutions for Common Challenges in Central Europe: Cross-Border Cooperation in the Refugee Crisis

Naši výzkumní pracovníci Christian Kvorning Lassen a Kateřina Davidová se zapojili do projektu s názvem "Joint Solutions for Common Challenges in Central Europe: Cross-Border Cooperation in the Refugee Crisis" koordinovaného rakouským institutem Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik (ÖGfE).

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ECAS: Europe for Citizens Programme

Our Director Vladimir Bartovic was one of the respondents for the European Citizen Action Service's survey as a part of the Europe for Citizens Programme.

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Keeping Europeans Together: Assessing the State of EU Cohesion

Our Director Vladimír Bartovic contributed as a national researcher to the publication ''Keeping Europeans Together: Assessing the State of EU Cohesion'' published by ECFR. His chapter focuses on the situation of the Czech Republic within the assessment of the state of EU cohesion.

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Frontiers of Democracy - Embedding Democratic Values in Moldova and Ukraine

Aim of the Frontiers of Democracy - Embedding Democratic Values in Moldova and Ukraine is to accelerate process of democratic transformation in Moldova and Ukraine by drawing on the transition experience of the Visegrad countries.

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Frontiers of Democracy - Embedding Democratic Values in Moldova and Ukraine

Cílem projektu Frontiers of Democracy - Embedding Democratic Values in Moldova and Ukraine je urychlit proces demokratické transformace v Moldavsku a Ukrajině díky čerpání ze zkušeností zemí Visegrádské skupiny.

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Výstupy projektu Visegrad v EU - Jak moc na nás záleží?

Pod expertním vedením ředitele Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM Vladimíra Bartovice byl před dvěma spuštěn nový projekt "Visegrad v EU - Jak moc na nás záleží?", jehož odborné závěry nyní představujeme.

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