INVITATION: Prague Climate Talks: Assessment of EU's climate policies – are they up to the challenge?

We are proud to present the second event from our pilot project Prague Climate Talks: Assessment of EU's climate policies – are they up to the challenge?, which will take place on October 3rd, 2017, at the European house.

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POZVÁNKA: Prague Climate Talks: Assessment of EU's climate policies – are they up to the challenge?

S radostí představujeme druhou diskuzi pilotního projektu Prague Climate Talks: Assessment of EU's climate policies – are they up to the challenge?, která se uskuteční 3. října 2017 v Evropském domě.

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Zpravodaj DEMAS 2/2017

Prohlédněte si, co je nového na poli neziskových organizací sdružujících se pod asociací DEMAS.

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REPORT: Prague Climate Talks: Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics

On June 21st, 2017, we organized the first event from our pilot project Prague Climate Talks: Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics, from which a report is now available.

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REPORT: Prague Climate Talks: Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics

Dne 21. června 2017 se konala první diskuze pilotního projektu Prague Climate Talks: Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics, ze které nyní přinášíme report.

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Can EU Leadership on Climate Change Unite the Fragmented Union?

Christian Kvorning Lassen's newest policy paper on combatting the climate change will serve as the background material for the very first debate from our pilot project Prague Climate Talks: 'Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics,' taking place on June 21st, 2017, at the European house.

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Can EU Leadership on Climate Change Unite the Fragmented Union?

Christian Kvorning Lassen vypracoval nový policy paper, ve kterém analyzuje současnou situaci v boji proti klimatickým změnám. Policy paper slouží jako podkladový materiál k první diskuzi pilotního projektu Prague Climate Talks: Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics, která se uskuteční 21. června 2017 v Evropském domě.

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INVITATION: Prague Climate Talks: Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics

We are proud to present the first event from our pilot project Prague Climate Talks: Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics, which will take place on June 21st, 2017, at the European house.

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POZVÁNKA: Prague Climate Talks: Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics

S radostí představujeme první diskuzi pilotního projektu Prague Climate Talks: Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics, která se uskuteční 21. června 2017 v Evropském domě.

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Prague Climate Talks 2017

We are proud to present our pilot project aimed at establishing a platform for continued high-level discussion on the complex issue of climate change: Prague Climate Talks. The project will host a series of debates with experts, professionals from varying relevant fields and the general public.

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