Martin Michelot's French elections spotlight

Všechny rozhovory, komentáře a publikace našeho experta na francouzskou politiku Martina Michelota seřazeny chronologicky a průběžně aktualizovány.

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Sobotka’s Gambit; is the KSCM Mature Enough to make a Viable Government Partner?

Our Research Assistant Marianne Grønning analyses, in her latest blog, the possible outlook for a reinvention of the KSCM party and its prospects in the Czech political system.

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Sobotka’s Gambit; is the KSCM Mature Enough to make a Viable Government Partner?

Naše výzkumná spolupracovnice Marianne Grønning analyzuje, ve svém nejnovějším blogu, možné vyhlídky a znovuobjevení KSČM v českém politickém systému.

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Central Europe and the rise of nationalism

Náš Michal Vít přispěl k publikaci Barcelona Centre for International Affairs s názvem ''Illiberal Democracies in the EU: the Visegrad Group and the Risk of Disintegration'' s kapitolou o širším kontextu politického rozvoje regionu zemí V4 ve světle migrační krize roku 2015 a 2016.

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RTVS: Martin Michelot commented on the return of jihadists to Europe

Our Deputy Director Martin Michelot commented on RTVS the return of jihadists back to European countries.

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Hospodářské noviny: If we don't want migrants, we must pay

Our research fellow Michal Vít commented in an interview for Hospodářské noviny on the situation of the migration crisis following his trip on the Balkan route.

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What did Dutch voters really vote against?

Pierre Grangé's blog on the results of the Dutch referendum on the Approval Act of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine.

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RTVS: French presidential primaries

Our deputy director Martin Michelot talked to Radio Slovensko RTVS about the provisional results of the first round of French center-right presidential primaries.

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European Summer School 2016 – “Europe in Motion” Report

Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM uspořádal ve dnech 16. - 27. července již 14. ročník mezinárodní letní školy zaměřené na aktuální otázky evropské integrace.

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Populist logic: “Brexit turned out to be a disaster – let’s call for Czexit!”

Our research fellow Christian Kvorning Lassen analyses the wave of populism and the crisis of leadership in many EU countries after the outcome of the British referendum.

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