Invitation | The European Union, the geopolitics of enlargement and the European Political Community

We would like to invite you to a debate entitled "The European Union, the Geopolitics of Enlargement and the European Political Community ", which will take place on Monday 12 June at the French Institute in Prague at 17:30.

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REPORT | EU-Pacific Talks: In-EV-itable future of automotive industry: what is the role of the Pacific region

In the last debate of the second series of EU-Pacific Talks, organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, the guests focused on electric and fuel cell vehicles, which are envisaged as a way to decarbonise road transport. Read what our guests discussed in this report by Petra Pospíšilová.

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INVITATION | Café Evropa online: Turkey after the elections - what direction will Turkey take?

We cordially invite you to the next debate in the Café Evropa online series, this time on the topic "Turkey after the elections - what direction will Turkey take?". The debate will take place on Wednesday 7 June.

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EU-Pacific Talks: In-EV-itable future of automotive industry: what is the role of the Pacific region

We would like to invite you to the debate called "EU-Pacific Talks: In-EV-itable future of automotive industry: what is the role of the Pacific region" in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Tuesday, May 30 at 13:00.

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Prague Climate Academy

In 2023, the Green Europe team of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy introduced a series of workshops aimed at communicating the topic of green transformation to the Czech public. The aim is to support journalists and civil society in developing public discourse on climate change and climate policies. Last year, the Prague Climate Academy focused on sustainability in transport. The topic of the first workshop was the decarbonisation of car transport in the context of electromobility. The second workshop focused on transport sustainability in the city of Prague. In 2024, we are following up with the topic of city adaptation to climate change. We will offer a series of discussions and workshops with experts on public space adaptation, blue-green measures, and public participation.

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POLICY PAPER | Gendering Europe’s Security and Recovery Responses to Ukraine

The policy paper, written by Míla O’Sullivan, illustrates that to centre the gender dimension and women’s voices in all aspects of Europe’s security and recovery responses to Ukraine are areas with the most serious gendered impacts and identifies the risks of gender-oblivious responses to Ukraine’s peaceful and sustainable future as well as to its European integration.

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EURACTIV.CZ | Podcast: EU builds 'Fortress Europe'. Even Ukrainian refugees haven't changed that

The war in Ukraine, which has caused the arrival of millions of refugees in the EU-27, has come at a time when the European Union is dealing with the reform of its migration policy. How has the experience of the refugee wave seeped into it? Our deputy director Christian Kvorning Lassen comments on this in the podcast.

Zjistit více The Union is not giving up on the idea of a green future. Although it will increase prices for housing and travel

Kateřina Davidová, who leads our climate research team, explains to TREND the possible risks of the new European standards. In the interview, she also adds the reasons why the EU insists on its green policy.

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ČRo Plus: According to the German Chancellor, Ukraine or Moldova belong in the European Union...

According to the German Chancellor, Ukraine and Moldova belong to the European Union. According to Olaf Scholz, this is in the direct interest of the EU-27. Europe Day is celebrated on 9 May. On 9 May 1950, the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman made a declaration that became the basis for peaceful cooperation between European countries. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented on this topic, including Ukraine's accession to the European Union.

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Think Visegrad Fellowship offer: Call for proposals 2023

The Think Visegrad platform, which brings together think tanks from the Visegrad countries, including the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, is offering eight visiting fellowships to non-Visegrad expert fellows for the period Autumn/Winter of 2023. The duration of fellowships varies from 6 to 8 weeks (based on agreement with the hosting institute).

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Praha 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552