Euractiv: The EU's common debt can be a model for the future, but it is essential to address the budget's own resources

Our research fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the priorities of the new Commission in an article for the Euractiv server. Ursula von der Leyen mentioned these priorities in her recent State of the Union Address 2020.

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Hospodářské noviny:It is not an ideology, but a necessity, defends Jourová the pressures of Brussels to reduce emissions as much as possible

Our Kateřina Davidová provided Hospodářské noviny with a commentary on the topic of the Czech attitude towards the pressure of the European Commission to reduce emissions as much as possible.

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Dení Fight against greenhouse gases. The Union wants faster emission reductions

Our researcher Kateřina Davidová together with Nikola Hořejš from STEM commented for Dení on the question of how the Czech public perceives the climate goal of reducing emissions. Ursula von der Leyen addressed the topic in connection with the State of the Union Address 2020.

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National Convention on EU Affairs: Priorities of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU 2022

The National Convention on EU Affairs will take place on September 18 online. The topic of the round table debate will be priorities of the Czech presidency of the Council of the EU.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: The end of coal in the Czech Republic - What is the future of coal regions in Czechia?

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy cordially invites you to another debate from the Café Evropa series, which will take place on Monday 21 September from 5.30 PM online on Facebook. Our guests will discuss the topic of the future of coal regions in the Czech Republic.

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POZVÁNKA: Café Evropa online: Konec uhlí v Česku – Jaká je budoucnost uhelných regionů v ČR?

Zveme Vás na další diskuzi v rámci formátu debat Café Evropa, kterou pořádá Zastoupení Evropské komise v ČR a Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM ve spolupráci s Europe Direct Česká republika a Eurocentrum Praha. Debata se bude konat 21. září v 17:30.

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Czech Perception of the EU Climate Policy

The latest article from Vít Havelka aims to explain how the Czech population perceives the EU Climate Policy and especially the European Green Deal.

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Policy paper: Climate change: can it unite divided society?

Lucie Vinařská in the background article to the debate of the same name from the Prague Climate Talks series (September 17) examines the opinion of Czech society on climate change, its division and the potential for unification due to the climate and coronavirus crisis.

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Lidové noviny: Czechia is failing in green politics

In a commentary for Lidové noviny, Kateřina Davidová wrote about the behavior of Czech politicians in relation to climate policy.

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Lidové noviny: Česko v zelené politice propadá

Kateřina Davidová v komentáři pro Lidové noviny psala o chování českých politiků ve vztahu ke klimatické politice.

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