2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index: EUROPEUM is the best think tank in the Czech Republic for the fourth time in a row, it has improved globally

For the fourth time in a row, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy is the best think tank in the Czech Republic. EUROPEUM also maintained second place in Central and Eastern Europe and improved in the global comparison, where it climbed 32 places in the worldwide category of non-US think tanks, according to the Global Go To Think Tank Index (GGTTI) 2020 report of the Think Tanks and Civil Society Program (TTCSP) of the University of Pennsylvania.

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Global Go To Think Tank Index 2020: EUROPEUM je počtvrté v řadě nejlepší think tank v Česku, polepšilo si celosvětově

Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM je počtvrté v řadě nejlepším think tankem v Česku, ve střední a východní Evropě si udržel druhé místo. Zlepšení pak zaznamenal v celosvětovém srovnání, kde si v kategorii neamerických think tanků polepšil o 32 míst, píše se ve zprávě Global Go To Think Tank Index (GGTTI) 2020 programu Think Tanks and Civil Society (TTCSP) na Pensylvánské univerzitě.

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Supporting media freedom in Serbia in relation to the EU accession process

We are delighted to announce the launch of a project focused on support for independent Serbian journalists reporting on Serbia’s EU integration process, its obstacles in the field of democratic governance, and the rule of law and fundamental rights and freedoms, including the freedom of media. The project is supported by the Transition Promotion Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and implemented together with the Centre for Contemporary Politics from Serbia.

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Researcher Economist

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, the leading think-tank on European policy within the Czech Republic with offices in Prague and Brussels, is looking to hire an economic researcher. See the attached PDF for requirements and more information. Application deadline: 14 February.

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European Summer School (ESS)

The European Summer School in Prague is an intensive 8-day learning programme focused on European integration. It is organized by one of the leading think tanks in Prague, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy under the auspices of the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic and in cooperation with Prague College and Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University.

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Balkan Insight: Czechia in 2021: Health, Wealth and Nuclear to Dominate Election

Danielle Piatkiewicz commented on what awaits Czechia in 2021 for the Balkan Insight.

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Balkan Insight: Česko v roce 2021: Zdraví, bohatství a jaderná energetika budou dominovat volbám

Danielle Piatkiewicz komentovala pro Balkan Insight, jaký čeká Česko rok 2021.

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INVITATION: A Europe fit for Digital Age – Challenges regarding the development of 5G networks in Europe and in V4

We would like to invite you to a debate "A Europe fit for Digital Age – Challenges regarding the development of 5G networks in Europe and in V4". The event, organized by the Think Visegrad platform which brings together 8 think-tanks from Central Europe, will take place on Thursday 17 December at 17 PM on Facebook.

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Respekt: Rýsuje se dohoda o evropském rozpočtu. EU ustoupila Orbánovi

Zástupce ředitele Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM Christian Kvorning Lassen pro týdeník Respekt zhodnotil přísliby Bruselu, které oddalují možnou stopku dotací pro Maďarsko s Polsko kvůli porušení právního státu.

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EURACTIV.cz: Do Evropy míří jen minimum nelegálních migrantů, problémy ale nezmizely

Na serveru EURACTIV.cz byly v článku od Ondřeje Pleváka citovány výroky z naší nedávné debaty "EU± // Nový pakt o migraci a azylu", kde vystoupila Magda Faltová a Vít Novotný.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Praha 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552
email: europeum@europeum.org