Policy Paper | EU regulace pracovních algoritmů v České republice: Jak se na úkor zaměstnanců šplhá po inovačním žebříčku?

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Klára Votavová napsala policy paper, ve kterém se věnuje novým dilematům týkajících se vyváženosti konkurenceschopnosti a důstojných pracovních standardů v České republice, které se objevují postupující digitalizací a automatizací.

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Policy Paper | Serbia and Its Foreign Policy Alignment after the War in Ukraine

Ferenc Németh, a researcher on the politics, security and integration of the Western Balkans, has written a policy paper under the project Think Visegrad in Brussels. In it he examines Serbia's foreign policy towards the European Union after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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Policy Paper | Serbia and Its Foreign Policy Alignment after the War in Ukraine

Ferenc Németh, výzkumník zabývající se politikou, bezpečností a integrací Západního Balkánu, napsal v rámci projektu Think Visegrad in Brussels policy paper, ve kterém se zabývá zahraniční politikou Srbska vůči Evropské unii po ruské invazi na Ukrajinu.

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Policy Paper | Trust in the EU in times of crisis: Public perceptions in the Czech Republic in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic

How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the Czechs' relationship with the European Union? This topic is addressed in a policy paper by visiting fellow Mare Ushkovska.

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Policy Paper | Trust in the EU in times of crisis: Public perceptions in the Czech Republic in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic

Jaké ovlivnila pandemie Covid-19 vztah Čechů k Evropské unii? Tímto tématem se zabývá ve svém policy paperu hostující odborná pracovnice Mare Ushkovska.

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Policy Paper | Serbia’s EU Accession Path: European Integration without Democratization?

Is Serbia succeeding in meeting the conditions for EU accession? Read the Policy Paper co-written by Jana Juzová, Nikola Burazer and Oszkár Roginer on Serbia's path to EU membership.

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Policy Paper | Serbia’s EU Accession Path: European Integration without Democratization?

Daří se Srbsku plnit podmínky nutné k přistoupení do EU? Přečtěte si Policy Paper, který dohromady napsali Jana Juzová, Nikola Burazer a Oszkár Roginer, ve kterém se věnují srbské cestě ke členství v Evropské unie.

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Policy Paper | Czech Public Opinion: European Energy Crisis

Vít Havelka wrote a policy paper in which he discusses the energy crisis that hit the EU right after the COVID-19 pandemic.On 24 February, Russia launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine and subsequently triggered a series of events that resulted in an energy crisis in the EU.

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Policy Paper | Czech Public Opinion: European Energy Crisis

Vít Havelka napsal policy paper, ve kterém se zabývá energetickou krizí, která zasáhla EU hned po pandemii COVID-19. Dne 24. února Rusko zahájilo rozsáhlou invazi na Ukrajinu a následně spustilo sérii událostí, které vyústily v energetickou krizi v EU.

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POLICY PAPER | Soaring electricity prices and development in the EU; the electricity market design under scrutiny?

As part of the internships provided by our Brussels office to Czech researchers, Tereza Stašáková wrote a policy paper on rising electricity prices and developments in the EU. It analyses the reasons for rising prices and how EU Member States have reacted to the situation. And whether the solution is to restructure the electricity market.

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