Policy Paper: Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development: A troubleshooting guide for reluctant EU donors

Ondřej Horký-Hlucháň, Senior Research Fellow from the Institute of International Relations, wrote a project policy paper under the auspices of the Think Visegrad in Brussels titled "Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development: A troubleshooting guide for reluctant EU donors".

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Eastern Monitor: Great Power dynamics in the Taiwan straits: What lies ahead?

In the last Eastern Monitor, Michal Beneš focused on the dynamic conflict between the great powers in the Taiwan Strait. He focused on what might await us in the future. The text doesn't aim to find a solution to this complex conflict but instead presents several possible future scenarios to its readers.

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INVITATION: Eastern Partnership Summit 2021 as a new chapter of the EU-EaP relations: Time for diversification?

We would like to invite you to a debate entitled "Eastern Partnership Summit 2021 as a new chapter of the EU-EaP relations: Time for diversification?" The online debate will take place on December 14 at 17:30.

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SWP: Between change and continuity: European expectations towards Czech and German EU policies after the 2021 elections

For the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Žiga Faktor, Director of our Brussels office, and Zuzana Stuchlíková, Research Associate at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, co-authored an article on the European expectations of the Czech and German governments' European policy.

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INVITATION: EU-PACIFIC Talks: EU – Japan Strategic dialogue: climate change cooperation as a pathway to the future

We would like to invite you to the third of six debates in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Wednesday 1 December at 18:00 and you can watch the online stream on our Facebook page.

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Evaluating Transatlantic Relations – For better or for worse?

Our Research Fellow Danielle Piatkiewicz and Project Manager Alexandra Visnerova wrote a background paper under the Transatlantic Policy Forum in which they evaluate the new transatlantic agenda and goals of both EU and the US and assess how the two sides can work closer together to tackle geopolitical challengers, align on security, trade, climate, and digital policies. The paper offers recommendations on how to strengthen the transatlantic relationship, with special emphasis placed on the Central and Eastern European region.

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Hodnocení transatlantických vztahů - k lepšímu či horšímu?

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Danielle Piatkiewicz a projektová manažerka Alexandra Visnerova napsaly v rámci Transatlantic Policy Forum podkladový dokument, v němž hodnotí novou transatlantickou agendu a cíle EU a USA a posuzují, jak mohou obě strany těsněji spolupracovat při řešení geopolitických výzev, sladit bezpečnostní, obchodní, klimatickou a digitální politiku. Dokument nabízí doporučení, jak posílit transatlantické vztahy, se zvláštním důrazem na region střední a východní Evropy.

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National Convention on the EU: EU relations with the Eastern Neighbourhood

Our researchers Jana Juzová and Katharine Klačanský have written a background paper on EU relations with the Eastern Neighbourhood countries, in which they answer three specific questions. Should the EU continue to approach the Eastern Partnership group as a whole, or should it diversify its approach more? Should the EU develop a specific green strategy for the Eastern Neighbourhood countries and, if so, on what principles? How can the EU counter the influence of other powers (Russia, China, possibly Turkey) working against EU interests in the Eastern Neighbourhood?

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REPORT: EU-Western Balkans Summit –The Morning After

Our Jana Juzová, Alexandra Ilková, and Ondřej Pešek collaborated on the report of EU-Western Balkans Summit and its consequences. The conference took place in Carolinum on November 5, 2021. The speakers discussed relations between the European Union and Western Balkans and ways how to get the EU enlargement agenda back on track from the state of a deep crisis.

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INVITATION: Transatlantic Relations in Review: Shared Values and Challenges

We would like to invite you to the debate “Transatlantic Relations in Review: Shared Values and Challenges”, which will take place in American Center at Tržiště 366, Malá Strana and will also be streamed online here on our Facebook page. The debate will take place on Thursday 18th November at 15:30.

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