| Migration Pact: A yay or nay? Public opinion is divided

Supporters of the new migration pact say the current situation is ineffective and only causes confusion. Critics of the new agreement, on the other hand, say the current status allows for greater flexibility in the processing of migration. But with whom do more voters agree? And do they believe in the security and protection brought by NATO membership? EUROPEUM Institute, in cooperation with the STEM agency, commissioned a survey, the results of which were presented to by deputy director of EUROPEUM Viktor Daněk.

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Policy Paper | 20 years of cohesion policy as a "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts"?

It has been 20 years since the Czech Republic and 9 other Central, Southern and Eastern European countries joined the European Union. This was on the promise of increased prosperity and the so-called economic catching-up of the post-communist part of Europe. Cohesion policy was to play a key role here. Vít Havelka writes in his Policy Paper.

Show more | Migration Pact: Non-compliance could lead to fines

The Migration Pact consists of ten legislative proposals that passed the European Parliament last week. They still have to be voted on in the Council of Ministers. Failure to comply with these regulations could lead to lawsuits and heavy fines. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the Migration Pact for

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ČTK: Petr Pavel's victory will improve the Czech Republic's position in the EU and NATO, but also relationship with the USA

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented for ČTK on Saturday's victory of Petr Pavel in the presidential elections on the relationship with the EU and NATO. He mentioned that Pavel's accession could bring about a unification of the foreign policy of the government and the Foreign Ministry. He also suggested that the newly elected president would have better relations with the United States

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ČTK: Czechia has consistently fulfilled its role as presiding country, Brussels experts say

Lots of good work, successful, excellent. These are also the terms used by analysts working in Brussels to assess the end of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. In interviews with ČTK, a trio of experts, including the head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, praised the way the Czech Republic has approached directing the debates between the member states.

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Polish abortion law: implications for European integration and transatlantic cooperation

In her blog post, Magdalena Rubin discusses the Polish abortion law and its implications for European integration and transatlantic cooperation.

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E15: Czech Republic was arrogant when refusing the quota system for relocation of asylum seekers

Our Vladimír Bartovic in an interview for E15 stated, that Czech Republic was arrogant when refusing the quota system for relocation of asylum seekers and that the European Commission will win the trial.

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TA3: D. Kerekeš and Z. Stuchlíková on A. Duda's veto of new controversial laws

In an interview for TA3, our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on Polish president A. Duda's statements suggesting that he would veto the new controversial laws.

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ČRo Plus: Trial in Hungary over truck deaths of 71 migrants

In an interview for ČRo Plus, our research fellow Michal Vít commented on the recent trial in Hungary over the death of 71 migrants.

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ČRo: François Fillon is going into his last run, with the help of populism and Trump rhetoric

Martin Michelot about François Fillon's candidacy within the French presidential election for

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