Euractiv | More wind, less coal. What are the benefits of wind energy for the Czech Republic?

Coal has been an important part of the Czech economy for decades. As a fossil fuel, however, it is a significant producer of greenhouse gases, especially CO2. Our Research Fellow Jonathan Lyons and Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová write in their commentary about the benefits of decarbonisation and switching to wind energy.

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One World in Brussels | Screening of the film "While We Watched" + discussion

We would like to invite you to the screening of the film While We Watched and the subsequent debate, which takes place within the framework of the Brussels branch of the One World Festival in cooperation with our Brussels office. The screening will take place on Tuesday 25 April at 18:00.

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Jeden Svět v Bruselu | Promítání filmu "While We Watched" + diskuze

Srdečně Vás zveme na promítání filmu While We Watched a následnou debatu, která probíhá v rámci Bruselské větve festivalu Jeden Svět ve spolupráci s naší Bruselskou kanceláří. Promítání proběhne v úterý 25. dubna v 18:00.

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INVITATION | EU - Pacific Talks: Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Bold vision for bold players

We would like to invite you to the debate EU-Pacific Talks: Free and Open Indo-Pacific: Bold vision for bold players. The debate will take place online on Friday, December 16 at 11:00.

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INVITATION | Pacific Talks: Security Challenges for the Pacific, EU and Russia

We would like to invite you to a debate called "Security Challenges for the Pacific, EU and Russia " in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Friday, December 2 at 11:30.

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Navigating the Indo-Pacific: Dealing with Geopolitical and Security Shifts in the Region

We would like to invite you to the in person debate called "Navigating the Indo-Pacific: Dealing with Geopolitical and Security Shifts in the Region" which will be held at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Staroměstké náměstí 4/1, Prague (Room "Minuta") on Friday, March 18 at 15:00.

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Policy Brief: Responding to China's connectivity agenda in EU's Neighborhood: a Central European perspective

A Policy Brief on the appropriate response of Central European countries to China's expansion in the EU neighbourhood was produced during a study visit to the Brussels office of the Think Visegrad platform. The author of the paper, Jakub Jakóbowski, focuses on the possibilities of engaging Central Europe in the EU's global connectivity agenda, implemented under the Global Gateway initiative. He highlights links with the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership as an indispensable element of Central European connectivity.

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REPORT: EU-Asia Connectivity Strategy: The role of the Central Europe

On 22 December the Think Visegrad in Brussels represented by Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy held an online round table, where many aspects on the cooperation between European Union and the Asian continent were analysed. The roundtable covered themes such as economical prosperity, technological advancements and the primary goals of and the role played by Central-Eastern European countries.

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REPORT: EU-Asia Connectivity Strategy: Role střední Evropy

Dne 22. prosince uspořádal Think Visegrad v Bruselu, zastoupený bruselskou kanceláří Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, online kulatý stůl, v rámci něhož se diskutovalo o mnoha aspektech spolupráce mezi Evropskou unií a asijským kontinentem. Analyzována byla témata jako ekonomická prosperita, technologický pokrok a hlavní cíle a role zemí střední a východní Evropy.

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INVITATION: A Europe fit for Digital Age – Challenges regarding the development of 5G networks in Europe and in V4

We would like to invite you to a debate "A Europe fit for Digital Age – Challenges regarding the development of 5G networks in Europe and in V4". The event, organized by the Think Visegrad platform which brings together 8 think-tanks from Central Europe, will take place on Thursday 17 December at 17 PM on Facebook.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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