PES 2024 | The EU must cooperate not only militarily, but also to defend itself against cyber attacks from Russia, said Minister Dvořák at the conference

The second day of the Prague European Summit 2024 conference at the Czernin Palace was opened with a speech by Czech Minister for European Affairs Martin Dvořák. He thinks of the enlargement of the European Union as crucial. "We have to realize that the enlargement of the EU, our defense and security and the current Central European position are interconnected," he said.

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Prague European Summit | "Nuclear energy must be part of the Green Deal." Ministers Lipavský and Síkela presented their priorities for the next European Commis

Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský and Minister of Industry and Trade Jozef Síkela delivered speeches at the 10th anniversary of the Prague European Summit. Both responded to the ever-changing challenges facing Europe and Russia's expanding aggression, while Minister Síkela stressed the need of economical transformation.

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Prague European Summit | Slovak President Čaputová warned against the rise of extremism and hatred on social media

Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová was the guest of honour at the 10th anniversary Prague European Summit. At the Czernin Palace, she received the traditional Vision for Europe Award from the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský.

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A2 | Cooperation of the Visegrad Group

Cooperation inside the Visegrad Group depends on the political situation of each country. In recent years, the alliance has drawn attention to itself with its criticism of the southern European states and anti-immigrant rhetoric. Klára Votavová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, wrote her commentary for the biweekly A2.

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS- internships at Prague European Summit 2024

Are you interested in the European Union and the future of the European continent? Do you want to work in an international team and gain experience in organising events at the highest political level? Apply by 10 May and get a unique experience organising the Prague European Summit conference.

Show more | Fossil fuel boilers are not banned by the European Union

The information about an EU-wide ban on gas and coal boilers, that has been recently circulating on social media, is not true. The aim of the new European directive is not to ban them, but to promote the phasing out of these boilers in line with the 2050 carbon neutrality targets. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, described the nature of the directive to the project Ověřovna.

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Preparing news media in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia for the digital age

The project aims to equip civil society organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia with comprehensive knowledge of media pluralism, media freedoms, and access to information necessary in the digital transition of the news media sector.

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Právo | Orbán's game turned against him

One of the shortest summits in the history of the EU ended by unanimous agreement. Why were there no protracted negotiations and what position does this put Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in? Our deputy director Viktor Daněk explains in a commentary.

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ČRo Plus | Rule of Law and Budapest's approach to negotiations on joint funding and support for Ukraine

Listen to an interview with Vít Havelka, Senior Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, in which he comments on the European Parliament's harshest resolution yet against Hungary, specifically its legal status and Budapest's approach to negotiations on joint funding and support for Ukraine.

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INVITATION | Half-time of the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility: What have we learned so far?

We would like to invite you to a debate on "Half-time of the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility: What have we learned so far?" that is organized as a part of the Prague European Summit. The debate will take place on Wednesday, 15th of November 2023, from 17:30 to 18:30 at the Prague University of Business and Economics.

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