| Post-election reshuffles. How will the European Parliament factions transform and who will dominate the EU institutions?

The key issues for the new term in the EU do not end with the European elections. Forces in European Parliament continue to shift depending on factions, while leaders select institutional leadership. How will the elections and the composition of the European Parliament influence the future functioning of the EU? And who will lead it? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, answered these questions for

Show more | Ukraine and Moldova begin EU membership talks

In Luxembourg, formal accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova to the European Union have begun. Is this a significant progress towards their eventual EU membership? Which of these two countries has a stronger position? And how does the screening process unfold? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, discussed these topics for

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Aktuálně.cz | Fragmented Czech Regions Need Reform

In the autumn, regional council elections will be held. The existence of 14 regions in the Czech Republic, however, does not have a long tradition – they were only established in 2000, partly due to the anticipated entry into the European Union. This arrangement is now heavily criticized for their fragmentation, low and duplicative administrative capacities, and the associated negative impacts on the state budget. Klára Votavová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, presents in her commentary on research on the capacities of the state and regions to draw from the Just Transition Fund, using the examples of the Karlovy Vary and Moravian-Silesian regions.

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ČT24 | Negotiations on the new leadership of the European Union

Negotiations on the EU leadership positions will continue next week. On Thursday, leaders and presidents are due to make their final decision at a summit in Brussels. Vladimír Bartovic, President of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on whether Ursula von der Leyen will defend her post as President of the European Commission.

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Call for Participants: Euro-Atlantic Future of Ukraine and Eastern Europe: Views from Visegrad

Are you a Master’s student from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia keen on international relations and NATO's strategic future? Join our workshop series to engage with experts, present your views on NATO’s Open-Door policy, and network with peers from the region.

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ČRo Plus | EU leaders discuss key positions. The favorites are von der Leyen, Costa, and Kallas

On Monday 17 June, the leaders of the European Union Member States headed to Brussels for their first joint meeting after the European Parliament elections. They discussed the distribution of key posts at the head of the EU institutions - the President of the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament. Filip Křenek, project coordinator and analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the likely distribution of forces for ČRo Plus.

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Czech Radio | Series: Following the Czech footsteps in the EU

Performances of previous Czech presidents, the contribution of the Czech EU Commissioner Věra Jourová, roaming and reverse charge and the assessment of the Czech Republic as the country of EU Presidency. The topics of the Czech Radio series on Czech footsteps in the European Union were commented by Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute.

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TV ZAK | The Euro elections are over. Experts commented on the results during the night at the European House

The interests of the Czech Republic will be represented for the next 5 years by 21 newly elected MEPs. Experts commented on the interim results of the elections during the night from Sunday to Monday at the European House on Národní třída in Prague. The election night also included a panel discussion during which the performance of the European Parliament was evaluated. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, outlined the challenges that await the new one for regional TV ZAK.

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ČT24 | Czechs voted for the European Parliament. How was the campaign?

For the fifth time Czech voters choose their representatives to the European Parliament. Almost 700 candidates competed for 21 seats. What did they offer and what was the campaign like? Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, comments for Czech Television's investigative programme 168 hodin.

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e15 | Summit in Switzerland will show the world that Ukraine wants peace. But it will not bring it

The luxury Alpine hotel Bürgenstock on the shores of Lake Lucerne in Switzerland will host the largest peace conference on Ukraine to date this coming weekend. Leaders and diplomats from nearly 90 countries will be there to seek ways to end the worst armed conflict in Europe since the Second World War. The ambitious event has been accompanied by criticism over the non-participation of Russia, China and US President Joe Biden. Even so, experts say the summit could be an important first step towards peace. Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute, describes the possibilities the conference will offer for e15 journal.

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