Policy Brief: New Resources of the EU Budget

Our researcher Vít Havelka, in his article "New Sources of the EU Budget", which was created under the Think Visegrad in Brussels project, writes about the new own resources of the EU budget, which are currently being discussed at the European level. The text specifically discusses why the reform of own resources is necessary and what are the positions of the various EU institutions and member states on these proposals. It concludes with a reflection on the Czech position, including an outlook on how it might evolve depending on the course of the negotiations.

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Policy Paper: Time to Redefine the Terms and Conditions of the Transatlantic Relationship? – 2021 Transatlantic Policy Forum in Review

On November 18-19, 2021, the fourth edition of the Transatlantic Policy Forum took place. It was hosted by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in partnership with the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the International Republican Institute (IRI), supported by the International Visegrad Fund, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The aim of this Policy Paper is to provide a summary and analysis of the discussions that took place, while respecting the Chatham House rule and thus preserving the anonymity of the participants. This analysis aims to highlight and elaborate on the main findings of the participants.

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Policy Paper: Je čas na nové vymezení podmínek transatlantických vztahů? - 2021 Přehled transatlantického politického fóra

Ve dnech 18.-19. listopadu 2021 se konal čtvrtý ročník Transatlantického politického fóra. Pořádal ho Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM ve spolupráci s German Marshall Fund of the United States a Mezinárodním republikánským institutem (IRI), za podpory Mezinárodního visegrádského fondu, Nadace Friedricha Naumanna a Ministerstva zahraničních věcí ČR. Cílem tohoto Policy Paperu je poskytnout shrnutí a analýzu proběhlých diskusí při respektování pravidla Chatham House, a tedy při zachování anonymity účastníků. Cílem této analýzy je zdůraznit a rozvinout hlavní zjištění účastníků.

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Transatlantic Policy Forum 2021 - overview

Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF) is a closed-door summit for decision-makers and opinion-formers co-organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy with partners. TAPF has been held in Prague every Autumn since 2018 under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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Transatlantic Policy Forum 2021 - přehled

Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF) je uzavřený summit pro veřejné činitele a tvůrce veřejného mínění organizován Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM s partnery. TAPF se od roku 2018 koná v Praze každý podzim pod záštitou Ministerstva zahraničních věcí České republiky.

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EU-Pacific Talks: Japan – V4 relations – more central but still European

We would like to invite you to the fourth debate from the EU-Pacific talks series titled "Japan – V4 relations – more central but still European" The debate will take place online on the 11th of January and will be broadcasted on our Facebook page.

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EU-Pacific Talks: Japan – V4 relations – more central but still European

Dovolujeme si vás pozvat na čtvrtou debatu ze série EU-Pacific s názvem „Japan – V4 relations – more central but still European“ Debata se uskuteční online 11. ledna a bude vysílána na naší facebookové stránce.

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Czech Radio: 'We will play the role of an arbitrator in the EU Presidency Council' The Czech Republic will hold the second presidency of the European Union

Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office of the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM, spoke with Czech Radio about the new role that the Czech Republic is gaining in the European Union in 2022. Czechia is holding this post for the second time in history, as well as in the first case it is in a trio with Sweden and France.

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ČRo: 'V radě předsednictví EU budeme hrát roli rozhodčího' Česká republika se ujme historicky druhého předsednictví v Evropské unii

Žiga Faktor, vedoucí bruselské kanceláře Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM komentoval pro Český rozhlas novou roli, kterou Česká republika v roce 2022 nabývá v Evropské unii. Česko se totiž historicky podruhé stává předsednickou zemí, stejně jako v prvním případě je to v trojici se Švédskem a Francií.

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The new year brought a change in the EUROPEUM team

With the end of 2021, Zdeněk Beránek has left the director's chair and will now be working in the team of Markéta Pekarová-Adamová, the President of the Chamber of Deputies. His agenda at the Institute will be taken over by Executive Director Martin Vokálek, Deputy Director Christian Kvorning Lassen and the rest of the team.

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