POZVÁNKA: The Value of Europe – What Do We Think about the Past, Present, and Future of Europe [VŠE]

S radostí vás zveme na prezentaci a následnou diskuzi u kulatého stolu, kterou pořádáme spolu s Pew Research Center. Více informací a jména hostů najdete v článku.

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INVITATION: The Visegrad Four and Germany: which shared priorities in the next Commission?

We are honoured to invite you to a debate organized by our Brussels office titled 'The Visegrad Four and Germany: which shared priorities in the next Commission?' The event will take place at Fondation Universitaire in Brussels on October 16. You can look forward to 4 expert speakers, including one MEP. Read the whole article to find out their names and get more information.

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POZVÁNKA: Visegrádská čtyřka a Německo: Jaké jsou společné priority v nové komisi?

Je nám ctí pozvat vás na debatu pořádanou naší bruselskou kanceláří, která nese název „Visegrádská čtyřka a Německo: Jaké jsou společné priority v nové komisi?“ Akce proběhne v prostorách nadace Fondation Universitaire v Bruselu ve středu 16. října a můžete se těšit na 4 zajímavé hosty včetně jednoho poslance Evropského parlamentu. Jména hostů a více informací najdete v článku.

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E15: Dropping charges against Babiš can strengthen his position in EU

Director of our institute, Vladimír Bartovic, gave an interview to daily E15, in which he explained the position of European Union towards the dropping of charges against the Czech PM. Will European institutions intervene in the case? Is the Czech judiciary perceived as an independent? Why can Mr. Babiš's position in Europe get stronger?

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Policy report: Charting a new path for a reinforced and improved V4-France cooperation

We're publishing the final policy report from the project: Charting a new path for V4-France cooperation, which was written by sixteen invited experts including our Martin Michelot.

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REPORT: Overcoming Dividing Lines in Europe (Jubel Festival)

On Saturday, September 7, we organised a workshop "Overcoming Dividing Lines in Europe" at Jubel - European Democracy Festival. There we discussed what divides Europe and Europeans. The output of this workshop will be included in the festival's manifesto, which will then be sent to the European institutions. Now we bring you our report from the event.

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Support to independent reporting on Serbia’s EU integration process with focus on the Chapters 23 and 24

We are proud to conduct a project focused on support to independent Serbian journalists reporting on Serbia’s EU integration process and specifically the obstacles in the key Chapters 23 and 24 which is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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Support to independent reporting on Serbia’s EU integration process with focus on the Chapters 23 and 24

S radostí oznamujeme realizaci projektu podpořeného Ministerstvem zahraničních věcí České republiky zaměřeného na podporu nezávislých srbských novinářů, kteří podávají zprávy o procesu integrace Srbska do EU a zejména o překážkách v klíčových kapitolách 23 a 24.

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Český rozhlas: Main news

Our Vladimir Bartovic commented for the Czech radio about the forming of the next EU Commission and other positions in the key EU institutions.

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Commentary: Special European Council (Art. 50)

Vladimír Bartovic, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Martin Michelot and Vít Havelka present their thoughts on the prospect of a long Brexit extension (April 10).

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